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Real-Time Modeling of Thermal Interactions in Cryogenic Ball BearingsBased on the integration of classical differential equations of motion of bearing elements, a real-time dynamic simulation of ball bearing performance is coupled with simultaneous modeling of thermal interactions between the bearing elements. The transient heat generations are time averaged over a significantly larger time step before they are used to compute the changes in bearing temperature fields. Such an averaging algorithm eliminates the numerical difficulties associated with simultaneous integration of mechanical thermal differential equations with vastly different time scales. Under stable operation, the step change in temperatures at each thermal time step converges to a steady-state solution. Following is a list of accomplishments in the present investigation: (1) A real-time dynamic performance of both 440C and hybrid ball bearings in a LOX environment is modeled in both transient and steady-state time domains, as the inner race accelerates to a prescribed operating speed. (2) The frictional interactions at the ball to race contacts are modeled by experimentally measured traction coefficients as a function of slide-to-roll ratios. (3) Bearing heat generation, as defined by the heat transferred to circulating LOX, is validated against experimental values determined by measured LOX temperatures under prescribed pressures and flow rates. The predicted heat generation is in good agreement with the experimental values. (4) The steady-state solutions are shown to be independent of initial conditions. This establishes convergence of the numerical integration of a differential equation of motion of the bearing elements. (5) Churning and drag losses in the circulating LOX constitutes the majority of bearing heat generation under the experimental test conditions. (6) The heat dissipated in frictional interactions in hybrid bearings is significantly lower in hybrid bearings in comparison to that simulated in all-steel bearings, while the churning and drag losses are relatively unchanged.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Technical Publication (TP)
Gupta, P. K.
(PKG, Inc. Clifton Park, NY, United States)
Gibson, H. G.
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Date Acquired
March 6, 2019
Publication Date
March 1, 2019
Subject Category
Computer Operations And Hardware
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA/TP-2019?220130
Report Number: M19-7206
Report Number: M?1481
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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