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Compact Mid-Wave Imaging System (CMIS) for Retrieval of Cloud Motion Vectors and Cloud Geometric HeightsThe Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) is developing a compact, light-weight, and low power midwave-infrared (MWIR) imager called the Compact Midwave Imaging Sensor (CMIS), under the support of the NASA Earth Science Technology Office Instrument Incubator Program. The goal of this CMIS instrument development and demonstration project is to increase the technical readiness of CMIS, a multi-spectral sensor capable of retrieving 3D winds and cloud heights 24/7, for a space mission. The CMIS instrument employs an advanced MWIR detector that requires less cooling than traditional technologies and thus permits a compact, low-power design, which enables accommodation on small spacecraft such as CubeSats. CMIS provides the critical midwave component of a multi-spectral sensor suite that includes a high-resolution Day-Night Band and a longwave infrared (LWIR) imager to provide global cloud characterization and theater weather imagery. In this presentation, an overview of the CMIS project, including the high-level sensor design, the concept of operations, and measurement capability will be presented. System performance for a variety of different scenes generated by a cloud resolving model (CRM) will also be discussed.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
External Source(s)
Kelly, Michael A.
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Laurel, MD, United States)
Wu, Dongliang
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Goldberg, Arnold
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Laurel, MD, United States)
Papusha, Ivan
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Laurel, MD, United States)
Wilson, John
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Laurel, MD, United States)
Carr, James
(Carr Astronautics Corp. Washington, DC, United States)
Boldt, John
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Laurel, MD, United States)
Greenberg, Jacob
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Laurel, MD, United States)
Morgan, Frank
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Laurel, MD, United States)
Yee, Sam
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Laurel, MD, United States)
Heidinger, Andrew
(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Highlands, NJ, United States)
Mehr, Lauren
(Johns Hopkins Univ. Laurel, MD, United States)
Date Acquired
March 19, 2019
Publication Date
September 24, 2018
Publication Information
Publication: Proceedings of SPIE: Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing 2018 in Hawaii
Publisher: Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
Volume: 10776
ISSN: 0277-786X
e-ISSN: 1996-756X
Subject Category
Meteorology And Climatology
Report/Patent Number
E-ISSN: 1996-756X
Report Number: GSFC-E-DAA-TN65491
ISSN: 0277-786X
Meeting Information
Meeting: SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing
Location: Honolulu, HI
Country: United States
Start Date: September 24, 2018
End Date: September 26, 2018
Sponsors: International Society for Optical Engineering
Distribution Limits
Use by or on behalf of the US Gov. Permitted.
weather satellite
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