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GeneLab: A Systems Biology Platform for Omics AnalysisNASA's GeneLab includes an open-access repository of some 200+ omics datasets generated by biological experiments relevant to spaceflight (including simulated cosmic radiation and microgravity). In order to maximize the intelligibility of these data, particularly for users with limited bioinformatics knowledge, GeneLab is now transforming the data in the repository into actual biological and physiological knowledge of the genetic and proteomic signatures found in these samples. This processed data is being derived by establishing standard data analysis workflows vetted by 114 scientists who are members of the four GeneLab Analysis Working Groups (Animal AWG, Plant AWG, Microbe AWG, Multi-Omics AWG). AWG members from institutes spanning the U.S. and four other countries participate on a voluntary basis. The AWGs meet monthly to discuss data mining, compare results and interpretations, and test forthcoming releases of the GeneLab Data Systems (GLDS). GLDS version 3.0 has been available to the general public since October 1st 2018, and has been providing a professional state-of-the-art bioinformatics platform for everyone in the space biology community to upload their data into a space biology omics data commons, to process their data with vetted standard workflows and to compare to existing analyses. The user interface for the platform is being designed to be accessible to a broad variety of users including those with limited bioinformatics experience, including high school and college students who can use it to learn about omics data analysis and space biology. As such, Genelab will constitute a powerful general public outreach capability of NASA and the Space Biology community at large. Data mining of the GeneLab database by the AWG has already started generating very interesting findings, including reports linking specific spaceflight conditions such as radiation, microgravity or carbon dioxide levels to molecular changes seen across various species. In this presentation, we will report on the current and future objectives for GeneLab, and review recent studies reported by the various AWGs relating molecular changes observed in various animal models and tissue with microgravity, radiation, circadian rhythm, hydration and carbon dioxide conditions.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Costes, Sylvain V.
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
April 30, 2019
Publication Date
April 23, 2019
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: ARC-E-DAA-TN67331
Meeting Information
Meeting: VWG Workshop
Location: Cambridge, MA
Country: United States
Start Date: April 22, 2019
End Date: April 23, 2019
Sponsors: NASA Ames Research Center
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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