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The Omics of Stem Cell Mediated Regeneration: A Pilot Single Cell RNA-Seq Study of MechanotransductionMechanical forces are potent modulators of stem cell based tissue regenerative mechanisms, inducing cell fate decisions and tissue specific commitment. A unique platform for investigating mechanotransduction is spaceflight, where microgravity and altered fluid mechanics provide a loading-null experimental condition. Seminal investigations of regenerative capacity in a wholly regenerative species, the newt model, and in a variety of totipotent and adult stem cell populations have demonstrated the detrimental effects of unloading on maintenance of stem cell based regeneration. Of particular interest is the observation that unloading interferes with the transition of stem cell pools from proliferative state to differentiation commitment. In this work we sought to test the hypothesis that gravity mechanotransduction regulates stem cell tissue regenerative processes by modulating stem cell proliferation and differentiation fates at specific cell cycle stages. To do this, clonally-derived ESCs were plated on a collagen matrix and expanded for 36 hours before re-plating on a non-adherent culture dish in the absence of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) to form spheroid aggregate EBs. After formation, the EBs were transferred to a collagen matrix coated culture dishes and given 4 days to allow implantation and outgrowth. In parallel, totipotent ESCs were plated 24 hours before mechanical stimulation on collagen matrix culture dishes in the presence of LIF to maintain totipotency and serve as un-differentiation committed controls. The EBs and ESCs were then subjected to either a 60 minute pulse of gravity (static loading) or 60 minutes of cyclic stretch (dynamic loading) mechanotransduction. Six hours post-stimulation, we used a 10X Genomics Single Cell controller to generate bar-coded single cell Illumina libraries and sequenced expressomes for 5,000 static loaded cells, representative of a change in gravity mechanotransduction, 5,000 dynamic loaded cells, representative of tissue loading associate with physiologic function, and 5,000 unstimulated 1g control cells. The comparison of these 3 libraries by cluster assignment based on like gene expression patterns show substantial alteration in cluster geometry due to mechanical loading. Specifically the mechanically loaded EB outgrowth cells to retain potency markers (PAX6, SOX2, CD34) and suppress early commitment markers (Dhh, VCAN, Igf1). Whereas the EBs cultured under the non-stimulated conditions display clear departure from the ESC expressome with lineage commitment markers upregulated and several tissue specific markers being expressed (BMP "early musculoskeletal development, Mesp1" early cardiovascular cell lineage). These markers are not seen in the mechano-stimulated cultures or the totipotent ESC cultures. Comparison of like clusters between our experimental conditions revealed an array of regenerative and stem cell genes are significantly mechano-regulated. Of particular importance CDKN1a/p21, a gene shown by previous investigation of our research team to be significantly upregulated in unloading, was suppressed in the static and dynamic loaded EBS. In addition to CDKN1a/p21 many genes related to cell cycle and transitory differentiation markers had elevated expression in the mechano-stimulated EBs, but surprisingly these trends were not observed in the ESC cultures. This study is the first of its kind investigating for mechano-signaling and mechano-regulated pathways, and has alre
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Juran, Cassandra M.
(Universities Space Research Association (USRA) Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Almeida, Eduardo A. C.
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Blaber, Elizabeth A.
(Universities Space Research Association (USRA) Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Coyne, Molly
(Blue Marble Space Seattle, WA, United States)
Zvirblyte, Justina
(Vilnius University Vilnius, Lithuania)
Date Acquired
August 6, 2019
Publication Date
May 30, 2019
Subject Category
Life Sciences (General)
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: ARC-E-DAA-TN67656
Meeting Information
Meeting: NextGen Stem Cell Conference
Location: Saratoga Springs, NY
Country: United States
Start Date: May 30, 2019
End Date: May 31, 2019
Sponsors: StemCultures
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Single cell RNA-sequecing
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