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Helicopter Flight Simulation Motion Platform RequirementsTo determine motion fidelity requirements, a series of piloted simulations was performed. Several key results were found. First, lateral and vertical translational platform cues had significant effects on fidelity. Their presence improved performance and reduced pilot workload. Second, yaw and roll rotational platform cues were not as important as the translational platform cues. In particular, the yaw rotational motion platform cue did not appear at all useful in improving performance or reducing workload. Third, when the lateral translational platform cue was combined with visual yaw rotational cues, pilots believed the platform was rotating when it was not. Thus, simulator systems can be made more efficient by proper combination of platform and visual cues. Fourth, motion fidelity specifications were revised that now provide simulator users with a better prediction of motion fidelity based upon the frequency responses of their motion control laws. Fifth, vertical platform motion affected pilot estimates of steady-state altitude during altitude repositioning. Finally, the combined results led to a general method for configuring helicopter motion systems and for developing simulator tasks that more likely represent actual flight. The overall results can serve as a guide to future simulator designers and to today's operators.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Technical Publication (TP)
Schroeder, Jeffery Allyn
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
July 1, 1999
Subject Category
Aeronautics (General)
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.60:208766
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: RTOP 548-40-12
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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