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Analysis of Influence of UAS Speed Range and Turn Performance on Detect and Avoid Sensor RequirementsIn support of NASA’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System project and RTCA Special Committee 228, an analysis has been performed to provide insight in to the trade space between unmanned aircraft speed and turn capability and detect and avoid sensor range requirements. The work was done as an initial part of the effort to understand low size, weight, and power sensor requirements for aircraft that have a limited speed envelope or can limit the envelope for portions of their mission and may be able to turn at higher than “standard rate.” Range and timeline reductions coming from limiting speed range and from increasing available turn rate in some speed ranges are shown.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Jack, Devin P.
(Adaptive Aerospace Group, Inc. Hampton, VA, United States)
Hardy, Jeremy S.
(Adaptive Aerospace Group, Inc. Hampton, VA, United States)
Hoffler, Keith D.
(Adaptive Aerospace Group, Inc. Hampton, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
February 21, 2019
Publication Date
June 25, 2018
Subject Category
Aircraft Design, Testing And Performance
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: 2018 AIAA Aviation Forum
Location: Atlanta, GA
Country: United States
Start Date: June 25, 2018
End Date: June 29, 2018
Sponsors: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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