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Hypersonic Research Facilities Study - Volume IV, Part 1: Phase III Final Studies Flight Research FacilitiesThe Phase III analyses of Flight Research Facilities performed as a portion of the Hypersonic Research Facilities (HYFAC) Study are presented herein. Two attractive flight research vehicle concepts, geared to the development needs of future (1980-2n00) operational hypersonic aircraft systems, are defined. The inherent research capability of each concept is further expanded by incorporating provisions within the basic vehicle design to accommodate the testing of several additional research options. The design feasibility of this approach to achieving increased research flexibility is examined. Near term propulsion systems are employed as the basic power plants to shorten acquisition time, reduce development costs, and provide high confidence in attaining the performance capability desired, Performance is determined for each basic vehicle and for the vehicles when incorporating several optional research packages. Total program cost estimates are developed for each vehicle and for the various research options. This study provides the necessary framework for the formulation of an attractive and needed flight research program which is a key element in the systematic development of an overall advanced research plan.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Date Acquired
August 6, 2013
Publication Date
October 2, 1970
Subject Category
Aircraft Propulsion And Power
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA-CR-114327
Report Number: MDC-A0013-VOL-4-PT-1-PHASE-3
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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