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Jet transport performance in thunderstorm wind shear conditionsSeveral hours of three dimensional wind data were collected in the thunderstorm approach-to-landing environment, using an instrumented Queen Air airplane. These data were used as input to a numerical simulation of aircraft response, concentrating on fixed-stick assumptions, while the aircraft simulated an instrument landing systems approach. Output included airspeed, vertical displacement, pitch angle, and a special approach deterioration parameter. Theory and the results of approximately 1000 simulations indicated that about 20 percent of the cases contained serious wind shear conditions capable of causing a critical deterioration of the approach. In particular, the presence of high energy at the airplane's phugoid frequency was found to have a deleterious effect on approach quality. Oscillations of the horizontal wind at the phugoid frequency were found to have a more serious effect than vertical wind. A simulation of Eastern flight 66, which crashed at JFK in 1975, served to illustrate the points of the research. A concept of a real-time wind shear detector was outlined utilizing these results.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Mccarthy, J.
(Oklahoma Univ. Norman, OK, United States)
Blick, E. F.
(Oklahoma Univ. Norman, OK, United States)
Bensch, R. R.
(Oklahoma Univ. Norman, OK, United States)
Date Acquired
September 4, 2013
Publication Date
December 1, 1979
Subject Category
Meteorology And Climatology
Report/Patent Number
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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