Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems: CELSS 1985 WorkshopVarious topics related to closed ecological systems are discussed. Space habitats, vegetative growth, photosynthesis, recycling, culture techniques, waste utilization bioreactors and controlled atmospheres on space stations are among the topics covered.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Macelroy, R. D. (NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Martello, N. V. (NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Smernoff, D. T. (NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
IDRelationTitle19860010459WorkCarbon dioxide evolution rate as a method to monitor and control an aerobic biological waste treatment system19860010458WorkApplication of photosynthetic N2-fixing cyanobacteria to the CELSS program19860010440WorkThe C23A system, an exmaple of quantitative control of plant growth associated with a data base19860010452WorkAirborne trace contaminants of possible interest in CELSS19860010441WorkDescription of concept and first feasibility test results of a life support subsystem of the Botany Facility based on water reclamation19860010467WorkA method for screening of plant species for space use19860010448WorkAn engineering analysis of a closed cycle plant growth module19860010471WorkThe role of plant disease in the development of controlled ecological life support systems19860010469WorkThe effect of ultradian and orbital cycles on plant growth19860010446WorkOperational development of small plant growth systems19860010445WorkPlant growth chamber M design19860010463WorkStudies on maximum yield of wheat for the controlled environments of space19860010457WorkThe development of an unconventional food regeneration process: Quantifying the nutritional components of a model methylotrophic yeast19860010447WorkElectrochemical control of pH in a hydroponic nutrient solution19860010470WorkNitrogen uptake and utilization by intact plants19860010472WorkDevelopment of space technology for ecological habitats19860010453WorkObservations on gas exchange and element recycle within a gas-closed algal-mouse system19860010449WorkGas and water recycling system for IOC vivarium experiments19860010439WorkUtilization of membranes for H2O recycle system19860010451WorkSupercritical waste oxidation of aqueous wastes19860010464WorkUtilization of potatoes in CELSS: Productivity and growing systems19860010460WorkCan plants grow in quasi-vacuum?19860010461WorkWheat response to CO2 enrichment: CO2 exchanges transpiration and mineral uptakes19860010454WorkCELSS science needs19860010444WorkPlan for CELSS test bed project19860010442WorkWet-oxidation waste management system for CELSS19860010466WorkClosed culture plant studies: Implications for CELSS19860010438WorkCELSS experiment model and design concept of gas recycle system19860010437WorkBLSS, a European approach to CELSS19860010443WorkSimulation model for plant growth in controlled environment systems19860010456WorkAn analysis of the productivity of a CELSS continuous algal culture system19860010465WorkOptimization of controlled environments for hydroponic production of leaf lettuce for human life support in CELSS19860010450WorkWater recycling system using thermopervaporation method19860010468WorkPotato leaf explants as a spaceflight plant test system19860010436WorkPotential for utilization of algal biomass for components of the diet in CELSS19860010455WorkDesign concepts for bioreactors in space19860010462WorkEffects of NO3(-) and NH4(+) and urea on each other's uptake and incorporation