Utilization of membranes for H2O recycle systemConceptual studies of closed ecological life support systems (CELSS) carried out at NAL in Japan for a water recycle system using membranes are reviewed. The system will treat water from shower room, urine, impure condensation from gas recycle system, and so on. The H2O recycle system is composed of prefilter, ultrafiltration membrane, reverse osmosis membrane, and distillator. Some results are shown for a bullet train of toilet-flushing water recycle equipment with an ultraviltration membrane module. The constant value of the permeation rate with a 4.7 square meters of module is about 70 1/h after 500th of operation. Thermovaporization with porous polytetrafluorocarbon membrane is also proposed to replce the distillator.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Ohya, H. (Yokohama National Univ. Japan)
Oguchi, M. (National Aerospace Lab. Tokyo, Japan)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1986
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Ames Research Center Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems
IDRelationTitle19860010435Collected WorksControlled Ecological Life Support Systems: CELSS 1985 Workshop19860010435Collected WorksControlled Ecological Life Support Systems: CELSS 1985 Workshop