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CU in space: The University of Colorado get away special payload G-285The University of Colorado's first Get Away Special was conceived by a dozen science and engineering students in the spring of 1984. Since that time, the project has grown to include over 100 undergraduate and graduate students who have 'provided the experimental objectives, design, construction, integration, testing and management of the payload. Faculty and staff of the university and its affiliated laboratories as well as engineers from local industries have provided many useful suggestions at all stages of development.

The principal motivation for developing this payload is to provide university students with the opportunity to participate in space science and engineering beginning at the ground level. At the same time, they are contributing their results from new science and technological discoveries to several disciplines.

There are four separate experiments integrated into the /'single payload of G-285 which are supported by internal payload !power, thermal environment control, command land data handling [ facilities and structural subsystems. The four experiments contained in this payload are: a single spectrometer performing i two experiments- one to study night time shuttle glow phenomena in the ultraviolet and the other to observe NO2 concentrations over / equatorial latitudes in the day; a fluids management experiment ' using centrifugation for particle/liquid/vapor separation; and an experiment using Phycomyces fungi to study the gravireceptor mechanism theory.

The experiments are supported by a microprocessor, data storage devices, power and thermal control subsystems. All these are located within a sealed aluminum container. The container, a refitted sounding rocket casing, has a top and bottom which bolt to the main body of the rocket section. The top section holds a five inch diameter quartz window through which light enters the spectrometer. A rotating mirror assembly and one of two battery boxes are mounted on the outside of the top section below the interface plane of the MDA. A second battery box is attached to the bottom section of the sealed container. All payload items except the battery boxes and mirror assembly are located inside the sealed rocket section to insure containment and to prevent outgassing of materials. The container will be sealed prior to launch and purged with one atmosphere of argon.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Kent Tobiska
(University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, Colorado, United States)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2013
Publication Date
October 8, 1985
Publication Information
Publication: 1985 Get Away Special Experimenter's Symposium
Publisher: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Issue Publication Date: January 1, 1986
Subject Category
Astronautics (General)
Meeting Information
Meeting: Get Away Special Experimenter's Symposium
Location: Greenbelt, MD
Country: US
Start Date: October 8, 1985
End Date: October 9, 1985
Sponsors: Goddard Space Flight Center
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Use by or on behalf of the US Gov. Permitted.
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