Flight Mechanics/Estimation Theory Symposium, 1992This conference publication includes 40 papers and abstracts presented at the Flight Mechanics/Estimation Theory Symposium on May 5-7, 1992. Sponsored by the Flight Dynamics Division of Goddard Space Flight Center, this symposium featured technical papers on a wide range of issues related to orbit-attitude prediction, determination, and control; attitude sensor calibration; attitude determination error analysis; attitude dynamics; and orbit decay and maneuver strategy. Government, industry, and the academic community participated in the preparation and presentation of these papers.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Stengle, Thomas H. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1993
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
REPT-93B00012NASA-CP-3186NAS 1.55:3186Report Number: REPT-93B00012Report Number: NASA-CP-3186Report Number: NAS 1.55:3186
IDRelationTitle19930015506WorkMomentum accumulation due to solar radiation torque, and reaction wheel sizing, with configuration optimization19930015507WorkSpacecraft detumbling through energy dissipation19930015508WorkThe results of the in-flight attitude sensor calibration for the Arthur Holly Compton Gamma Ray Observatory19930015509WorkTesting of the on-board attitude determination and control algorithms for SAMPEX19930015510WorkStar tracker operation in a high density proton field19930015511WorkResolution of the COBE Earth sensor anomaly19930015512WorkTDRSS orbit determination using short baseline differenced carrier phase19930015513WorkApplication of GPS tracking techniques to orbit determination for TDRS19930015514WorkTDRSS-user orbit determination using batch least-squares and sequential methods19930015515WorkOrbit determination support of the Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon operational orbit19930015516WorkOrbit determination and orbit control for the Earth Observing System (EOS) AM spacecraft19930015517WorkAnalysis of the effects of mean local node-crossing time on the evolution of Sun-synchronous orbits19930015518WorkA ground track control algorithm for the Topographic Mapping Laser Altimeter (TMLA)19930015519WorkReal-time attitude determination and gyro calibration19930015520WorkComputationally efficient algorithms for real-time attitude estimation19930015521WorkImprovements in ERBS attitude determination without gyros19930015522WorkPolar decomposition for attitude determination from vector observations19930015523WorkAttitude analysis in Flatland: The plane truth19930015524WorkRate determination from vector observations19930015525WorkA multimission three-axis stabilized spacecraft flight dynamics ground support system19930015526WorkWhat is the Relationship Between Altitude and Weight in a Model Rocket?19930015527WorkNonlinear techniques for forecasting solar activity directly from its time series19930015528WorkAnalysis of reentry into the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) for the LifeSat mission19930015529WorkTsien's method for generating non-Keplerian trajectories. Part 2: The question of thrust to orbit a sphere and the restricted three-body problem19930015530WorkPractical aspects of transfer from GTO to lunar orbit19930015531WorkAn approach for finding long period elliptical orbits for precursor SEI missions19930015532WorkOrbit determination error analysis and comparison of station-keeping costs for Lissajous and halo-type libration point orbits and sensitivity analysis using experimental design techniques19930015533WorkAnalysis of the Command and Control Segment (CCS) attitude estimation algorithm19930015534WorkOptimizing the fine lock performance of the Hubble Space Telescope fine guidance sensors19930015535WorkThe Hubble Space Telescope fine guidance system operating in the coarse track pointing control mode19930015536WorkSCATHA mission termination report19930015537WorkAccurate attitude determination of the LACE satellite19930015538WorkAttitude control of the LACE satellite: A gravity gradient stabilized spacecraft19930015539WorkMiniature Optical Wide-Angle-Lens Startracker (Mini-OWLS)19930015540WorkScalar gain interpretation of large order filters19930015541WorkQuaternion normalization in spacecraft attitude determination19930015542WorkAttitude determination using vector observations: A fast optimal matrix algorithm19930015543WorkUpper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) onboard attitude determination using a Kalman filter19930015544WorkGoddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) calibration of the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) sensors19930015545WorkSolar array thermal snap and the characteristics of its effect on UARS19930015546WorkUpper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) attitude accuracy using coarse attitude sensors19930015506WorkMomentum accumulation due to solar radiation torque, and reaction wheel sizing, with configuration optimization19930015507WorkSpacecraft detumbling through energy dissipation19930015508WorkThe results of the in-flight attitude sensor calibration for the Arthur Holly Compton Gamma Ray Observatory19930015509WorkTesting of the on-board attitude determination and control algorithms for SAMPEX19930015510WorkStar tracker operation in a high density proton field19930015511WorkResolution of the COBE Earth sensor anomaly19930015512WorkTDRSS orbit determination using short baseline differenced carrier phase19930015513WorkApplication of GPS tracking techniques to orbit determination for TDRS19930015514WorkTDRSS-user orbit determination using batch least-squares and sequential methods19930015515WorkOrbit determination support of the Ocean Topography Experiment (TOPEX)/Poseidon operational orbit19930015516WorkOrbit determination and orbit control for the Earth Observing System (EOS) AM spacecraft19930015517WorkAnalysis of the effects of mean local node-crossing time on the evolution of Sun-synchronous orbits19930015518WorkA ground track control algorithm for the Topographic Mapping Laser Altimeter (TMLA)19930015519WorkReal-time attitude determination and gyro calibration19930015520WorkComputationally efficient algorithms for real-time attitude estimation19930015521WorkImprovements in ERBS attitude determination without gyros19930015522WorkPolar decomposition for attitude determination from vector observations19930015523WorkAttitude analysis in Flatland: The plane truth19930015524WorkRate determination from vector observations19930015525WorkA multimission three-axis stabilized spacecraft flight dynamics ground support system19930015526WorkWhat is the Relationship Between Altitude and Weight in a Model Rocket?19930015527WorkNonlinear techniques for forecasting solar activity directly from its time series19930015528WorkAnalysis of reentry into the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) for the LifeSat mission19930015529WorkTsien's method for generating non-Keplerian trajectories. Part 2: The question of thrust to orbit a sphere and the restricted three-body problem19930015530WorkPractical aspects of transfer from GTO to lunar orbit19930015531WorkAn approach for finding long period elliptical orbits for precursor SEI missions19930015532WorkOrbit determination error analysis and comparison of station-keeping costs for Lissajous and halo-type libration point orbits and sensitivity analysis using experimental design techniques19930015533WorkAnalysis of the Command and Control Segment (CCS) attitude estimation algorithm19930015534WorkOptimizing the fine lock performance of the Hubble Space Telescope fine guidance sensors19930015535WorkThe Hubble Space Telescope fine guidance system operating in the coarse track pointing control mode19930015536WorkSCATHA mission termination report19930015537WorkAccurate attitude determination of the LACE satellite19930015538WorkAttitude control of the LACE satellite: A gravity gradient stabilized spacecraft19930015539WorkMiniature Optical Wide-Angle-Lens Startracker (Mini-OWLS)19930015540WorkScalar gain interpretation of large order filters19930015541WorkQuaternion normalization in spacecraft attitude determination19930015542WorkAttitude determination using vector observations: A fast optimal matrix algorithm19930015543WorkUpper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) onboard attitude determination using a Kalman filter19930015544WorkGoddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) calibration of the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) sensors19930015545WorkSolar array thermal snap and the characteristics of its effect on UARS19930015546WorkUpper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) attitude accuracy using coarse attitude sensors