Estimation of bare soil evaporation using multifrequency airborne SARIt is shown that for homogeneous areas soil moisture can be derived from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) measurements, so that the use of microwave remote sensing can given realistic estimates of energy fluxes if coupled to a simple two-layer model repesenting the soil. The model simulates volumetric water content (Wg) using classical meterological data, provided that some of the soil thermal and hydraulic properties are known. Only four parameters are necessary: mean water content, thermal conductivity and diffusitivity, and soil resistance to evaporation. They may be derived if a minimal number of measured values of Wg and surface layer temperature (Tg) are available together with independent measurements of energy flux to compare with the estimated values. The estimated evaporation is shown to be realistic and in good agreement with drying stage theory in which the transfer of water in the soil is in vapor form.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Soares, Joao V. (INPE Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil)
Shi, Jiancheng (Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)
Van Zyl, Jakob (JPL Pasadena, CA, United States)
Engman, E. T. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Date Acquired
August 16, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1992
Publication Information
Publication: In: IGARSS '92; Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Houston, TX, May 26-29, 1992. Vol. 2 (A93-47551 20-43)
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Subject Category
Earth Resources And Remote Sensing
Accession Number
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