IGARSS '92; Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Houston, TX, May 26-29, 1992. Vols. 1 & 2
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Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Williamson, Ruby E. (Houston Advanced Research Center Woodlands, TX, United States)
Date Acquired
August 16, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1992
Publication Information
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
ISBN: 0-7803-0138-2
Subject Category
Earth Resources And Remote Sensing
Report/Patent Number
ISBN: 0-7803-0138-2
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A synthetic aperture microwave radiometer for measuring soil moisture19930063681WorkSoil moisture verification study of the ESTAR microwave radiometer - Walnut Gulch, AZ 199119930063683WorkSynergistic use of active and passive microwave in soil moisture estimation19930063684WorkDevelopment of soil moisture retrieval algorithm for L-band SAR measurements19930063687WorkEvaluation of one dimensional analytical models for vegetation canopies19930063688WorkGoniometric measurements of light scattered in the principal plane from leaves19930063689WorkThe role of specular reflectance in surface anisotropy19930063690WorkA data base of ASAS digital imagery19930063691WorkAn investigation of the relationship between tree water potential and dielectric constant19930063693WorkMonitoring of environmental conditions in the Alaskan forests using ERS-1 SAR data19930063694WorkProperties of radar backscatter of forests measured with a multifrequency polarimetric SAR19930063699WorkModerate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) and observations of the land surface19930063700WorkOn the use of stochastic process-based methods for the analysis of hyperspectral data19930063703WorkAnalyzing high dimensional data19930063706WorkPreliminary results from the ASF/GPS ice classification algorithm19930063707WorkOn the application of multifrequency polarimetric radar observations for sea-ice classification19930063708WorkAssimilation of a knowledge base and physical models to reduce errors in passive-microwave classifications of sea ice19930063711WorkPerformance of the ice motion tracker at the Alaska SAR facility19930063713WorkAlaska SAR processor implementation of E-ERS-119930063715WorkSAR data processing for the Magellan prime mission19930063716WorkAn analysis of the focusing performance of Magellan SAR image data19930063720WorkGeologic remote sensing - New technology, new information19930063557WorkCalibration of the AVHRR visible and near IR channels using radiances measured over remote ocean areas19930063561WorkMEDSAT - A remote sensing satellite for malaria early warning and control19930063571WorkArchiving the FIFE data on CD-ROM19930063572WorkMonsoon '90 - Preliminary SAR results19930063577WorkTerrain effects on backscattering coefficients derived from multifrequency, polarimetric SAR data19930063581WorkSAR data processing adaptation for Magellan Cycle II19930063582WorkRelative phase calibration of the NASA/DC-8 three-frequency polarimetric SAR system19930063584WorkGeometric ortho-rectification and generation of sigma(0) image products from multiple incidence synthetic aperture radar images19930063591WorkAnalysis of scattering behavior and radar penetration in AIRSAR data19930063594WorkThe NASA Electronic Still Camera system19930063595WorkRecent developments in space shuttle remote sensing, using hand-held film cameras19930063596WorkCataloging and indexing - The development of the Space Shuttle mission data base and catalogs from earth observations hand-held photography19930063597WorkGround support for Space Shuttle earth observations by the NASA environment remote sensing analysis facility (ERSAF)19930063598WorkAnalysis of video imagery of the reentry and breakup of the STS-31 external tank19930063608WorkTesting the Li-Strahler four-component canopy reflectance model in the HAPEX-Sahel shrub savanna sites using ground reflectance data19930063618WorkStatistics of backscatter radar return from vegetation19930063619WorkA system for verifying models and classification maps by extraction of information from a variety of data sources19930063626WorkRadiometric correction of SAR images of varying terrain heights19930063633WorkAttitude steering for space shuttle based synthetic aperture radars19930063634WorkDesign of a monopulse SAR system to determine elevation angles19930063641WorkGreenland observed at high resolution by the Seasat scatterometer19930063646WorkSAR processing based on the exact two-dimensional transfer function19930063654WorkTopographic mapping from ERS-1 and SEASAT radar interferometry19930063727WorkThe NASA/JPL three-frequency polarimetric AIRSAR system19930063728WorkCyclops - The JPL AIRSAR synoptic processor19930063732WorkData fusion and data compression research in the space sciences - An overview of selected NASA investigations19930063739WorkC-band measurement of radar backscatter from the ocean surface during SWADE19930063746WorkThe effect of spatial resolution upon cloud optical property retrievals. I - Optical thickness19930063750WorkTropical intercontinental optical measurement network of aerosol, precipitable water and total column ozone19930063753WorkInferring total canopy APAR from PAR bidirectional reflectances and vegetation indices in tallgrass prairie19930063754WorkExtraction of soil and vegetation parameters from high resolution bi-directional reflectance spectra19930063756WorkLAI inversion from optical reflectance using a neural network trained with a multiple scattering model19930063757WorkGap probability - Measurements and models of a pecan orchard19930063758WorkNew developments of a knowledge based system (VEG) for inferring vegetation characteristics19930063759WorkMutual shadowing and directional reflectance of a rough surface - A geometric-optical model19930063760WorkSimulation of space measurements of vegetation canopy bidirectional reflectance factors19930063761WorkPolarimetric signatures of a coniferous forest canopy based on vector radiative transfer theory19930063763WorkPhase difference statistics related to sensor and forest parameters19930063768WorkRadiometric calibration and atmospheric correction of satellite and aircraft data for FIFE19930063769WorkRadiometric gains of satellite sensors of reflected solar radiation - Results from NASA ER-2 aircraft measurements19930063779WorkFeature selection for neural networks using Parzen density estimator19930063790WorkSea spikes at moderate incidence and their relation to position on the waves19930063792WorkRobustness of Spann-Wilson segmentation on SAR imagery19930063800WorkA comparison between backscattering models for rough surfaces19930063801WorkInversion of surface parameters using fast learning neural networks19930063804WorkComparison of measurements and theory for backscatter from vegetation-covered soil on the Konza prairie19930063810WorkTemporal decorrelation in repeat pass-radar interferometry19930063812WorkPolarization signatures for abandoned agricultural fields in the Manix Basin area of the Mojave Desert - Can polarimetric SAR detect desertification?19930063814WorkMeasurement of pressure ridges in SAR images of sea ice - Preliminary results on scattering theory19930063817WorkPolarimetric emission from anisotropic media for passive remote sensing of sea ice19930063818WorkA combined surface/volume scattering retracking algorithm for ice sheet satellite altimetry19930063819WorkPolarimetric remote sensing of sea ice in the Beaufort Sea19930063822WorkOptimization of the information content of multitemporal Landsat TM data sets for monitoring forest cover disturbance19930063826WorkA satellite-borne radar wind sensor (RAWS)19930063828WorkThe wavenumber spectra of scatterometer-derived winds19930063831WorkSpectral vegetation indexes and the remote sensing of biophysical parameters19930063833WorkModeling the effect of land use on carbon storage in the forests of the Pacific Northwest19930063835WorkQuantitative modeling of soil genesis processes19930063836WorkKUREX-91 - A USSR/US study for global climate processes in steppe vegetation19930063838WorkEstimating reflected and emitted components of the radiation balance using remotely-sensed spectral data from KUREX-9119930063839WorkEnergy and radiation balance components for three grass surfaces near Kursk, Russia19930063840WorkAbsorbed photosynthetically active radiation of steppe vegetation and sun-view geometry effects on APAR estimates19930063841WorkSpectral bidirectional and hemispherical reflectance characteristics of selected sites in the Streletskaya steppe19930063842WorkInversion of snow parameters by neural network with iterative inversion19930063845WorkSea ice classification using fast learning neural networks19930063847WorkInversion of parameters for semiarid regions by a neural network19930063911WorkImplementation and performance of the Magellan digital correlator subsystem19930063917WorkERS-1 and Almaz ocean wave monitoring experiments19930063927WorkError analysis applied to several inversion techniques used for the retrieval of middle atmospheric constituents from limb-scanning MM-wave spectroscopic measurements19930063928WorkWater vapor profiling over ocean surface with 90 GHz and 183 GHz measurements under clear and cloudy conditions19930063934WorkDual-polarization characteristics of the radar ocean return in the presence of rain19930063938WorkInteractive explorations of hierarchical segmentations19930063940WorkRefining image segmentation by integration of edge and region data19930063945WorkAn SSM/I radiometer simulator for studies of microwave emission from soil19930063946WorkMillimeter-wave imaging radiometer for cloud, precipitation and atmospheric water vapor studies19930063952WorkAn investigation of surface parameter estimation from surface models19930063958WorkDirectional and temporal variability of the APAR/VI relationships - The case of a sunflower canopy19930063959WorkEstimation of photosynthetic capacity using polarization19930063960WorkSatellite aerosols retrieval over land surfaces using the structure functions19930063963WorkAn explicit canopy BRDF model and inversion19930063968WorkParameterization of surface heat fluxes above a forest with satellite thermal sensing19930063969WorkEstimation of effective aerodynamic roughness with altimeter measurements19930063976WorkComparison of radar backscatter from Antarctic and Arctic sea ice19930063980WorkGlobal distribution of hand-held photographs of ocean and coastal regions taken during space shuttle missions - 1981-199119930063981WorkMapping continental-scale biomass burning and smoke palls from the space shuttle19930063982WorkAnalysis of lightning flash videos from the Space Shuttle using blob and morphological techniques19930063983WorkIce patterns and hydrothermal plumes, Lake Baikal, Russia - Insights from Space Shuttle hand-held photography19930063984WorkClouds as indicators of atmospheric processes - As viewed from Space Shuttle19930063985WorkAlbedo patterns and gypsum generation in the central Namib Desert - Land, sea and air interactions on an arid West Coast