Issues and approach to develop validated analysis tools for hypersonic flows: One perspectiveCritical issues concerning the modeling of low density hypervelocity flows where thermochemical nonequilibrium effects are pronounced are discussed. Emphasis is on the development of validated analysis tools, and the activity in the NASA Ames Research Center's Aerothermodynamics Branch is described. Inherent in the process is a strong synergism between ground test and real gas computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Approaches to develop and/or enhance phenomenological models and incorporate them into computational flowfield simulation codes are discussed. These models were partially validated with experimental data for flows where the gas temperature is raised (compressive flows). Expanding flows, where temperatures drop, however, exhibit somewhat different behavior. Experimental data for these expanding flow conditions is sparse and reliance must be made on intuition and guidance from computational chemistry to model transport processes under these conditions. Ground based experimental studies used to provide necessary data for model development and validation are described. Included are the performance characteristics of high enthalpy flow facilities, such as shock tubes and ballistic ranges.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Deiwert, George S. (NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 16, 2013
Publication Date
April 1, 1993
Publication Information
Publication: AGARD, Theoretical and Experimental Methods in Hypersonic Flows
IDRelationTitle19940004512Collected WorksNASA/USRA University Advanced Design Program Fifth Annual Summer Conference19940004512Collected WorksNASA/USRA University Advanced Design Program Fifth Annual Summer Conference