NASA/USRA University Advanced Design Program Fifth Annual Summer ConferenceThe NASA/USRA University Advanced Design Program is a unique program that brings together NASA engineers, students, and faculty from United States engineering schools by integrating current and future NASA space/aeronautics engineering design projects into the university curriculum. The Program was conceived in the fall of 1984 as a pilot project to foster engineering design education in the universities and to supplement NASA's in-house efforts in advanced planning for space and aeronautics design. Nine universities and five NASA centers participated in the first year of the pilot project. Close cooperation between the NASA centers and the universities, the careful selection of design topics, and the enthusiasm of the students has resulted in a very successful program than now includes forty universities and eight NASA centers.
The study topics cover a broad range of potential space and aeronautics projects which could be undertaken during a 20-30 year period beginning with the deployment of the Space Station Freedom scheduled for the mid1990s. Both manned and unmanned endeavors are embraced, and the systems approach to the design problem is emphasized. The student teams pursue the chosen problem during their senior year in a one or two semester capstone design course and submit a comprehensive written report at the conclusion of the project. Finally, student representatives from each of the universities summarize their work in oral presentations at the annual Summer Conference, held at one of the NASA centers and attended by the university faculty, NASA and USRA personnel, and aerospace industry representatives.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Date Acquired
August 16, 2013
Publication Date
June 12, 1989
Publication Information
Publication: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Summer Conference: NASA/USRA University Advanced Design Program
Publisher: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Volume: NASA-CR-193012
Issue Publication Date: June 12, 1989
Subject Category
Astronautics (General)
Report/Patent Number
NASA-CR-193012Report Number: NAS 1.26:193012Report Number: NASA-CR-193012
Meeting Information
Meeting: 5th Annual Summer Conference
Location: Huntsville, AL
Country: US
Start Date: June 12, 1989
End Date: June 16, 1989
Sponsors: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Marshall Space Flight Center
IDRelationTitle19940004530WorkMars surface-based factory: Computer control of a water treatment system to support a space colony on Mars19940004519WorkDesign and implementation of components for a bioregenerative system for growing higher order plants in space19940004540WorkLaser powered interorbital vehicle19940004546WorkHigh altitude reconnaissance aircraft design19940006003WorkA CFD-based aerodynamic design procedure for hypersonic wind-tunnel nozzles19940006006WorkHypersonic flow computations around re-entry vehicles19940006008WorkA comparison of high resolution upwind solvers on 3-D inviscid hypersonic flows19940005967WorkCFD analysis of hypersonic, chemically reacting flow fields19940005972WorkIn-flight evaluation of aerodynamic predictions of an air-launched space booster19940005978WorkRecommendations for future research in hypersonic instrumentation19940005979WorkLocal measurement of temperatures and concentrations: A review for hypersonic flows19940005980WorkPressure and force measurements on models set in hypersonic flows: A review19940005984WorkA CFD validation roadmap for hypersonic flows19940005991WorkIssues and approach to develop validated analysis tools for hypersonic flows: One perspective19940005994WorkThree-dimensional hypersonic rarefied flow calculations using direct simulation Monte Carlo method19940005996WorkStability of hypersonic boundary-layer flows with chemistry19940004517WorkCislunar space infrastructure: Lunar technologies19940004547WorkA second-generation supersonic transport19940004554WorkThe role of solar sails in the investigation and exploration of Mars19940004555WorkModern design methodology and problems in training aircraft engineers19940004518WorkDesign of a lunar transportation system19940004527WorkPetite Amateur Navy Satellite (PANSAT)19940004548WorkPreliminary design of a family of close air support aircraft19940004539WorkA lunar venture19940004526WorkProject ARGO: The design and analysis of an all-propulsive and an aeroassisted version of a manned space transportation vehicle19940004516WorkElectrochemical cell for obtaining oxygen from carbon dioxide atmospheres19940004541WorkAdvanced solar-propelled cargo spacecraft for Mars missions19940004537WorkProject Longshot19940004525WorkThe design of a commercial space infrastructure19940004545WorkAir transportation in the California Corridor of 201019940004523WorkLogistics resupply and emergency crew return system for Space Station Freedom19940004542WorkSummary of activities19940004520WorkLunar landing and launch facilities (Complex 39L): Guidance systems and propellant systems19940004529WorkPreliminary design of a lunar construction utility vehicle19940004556WorkThe integration of education and research19940004514WorkDesign of a Solar Sail Mission to Mars19940004531WorkCamelot 3: Habitability criteria space research and design studio19940004535WorkDesign of a direct nuclear propulsion system for a resupply mission to Phobos19940004522WorkPartial gravity habitat study19940004553WorkA Mars base19940004515WorkSpace Station tethered elevator system19940004521WorkLunar deep drill apparatus19940004533WorkMission: PHH2O19940004524WorkA dual-armed free flyer19940004513WorkAdvanced design for orbital debris removal in support of solar system exploration19940004550WorkA hypersonic executive transport19940004552WorkLaser-boosted lightcraft technology demonstrator19940004528WorkLunar mining equipment19940004536WorkMoon base reactor system19940004538WorkLunar shuttle19940004534WorkFeasibility study of a single, elliptical heliocentric Earth-Mars trajectory19940004543WorkPropellant resupply of orbiting spacecraft19940005967WorkCFD analysis of hypersonic, chemically reacting flow fields19940005972WorkIn-flight evaluation of aerodynamic predictions of an air-launched space booster19940005978WorkRecommendations for future research in hypersonic instrumentation19940005979WorkLocal measurement of temperatures and concentrations: A review for hypersonic flows19940005980WorkPressure and force measurements on models set in hypersonic flows: A review19940005984WorkA CFD validation roadmap for hypersonic flows19940005991WorkIssues and approach to develop validated analysis tools for hypersonic flows: One perspective19940005994WorkThree-dimensional hypersonic rarefied flow calculations using direct simulation Monte Carlo method19940005996WorkStability of hypersonic boundary-layer flows with chemistry19940006003WorkA CFD-based aerodynamic design procedure for hypersonic wind-tunnel nozzles19940006006WorkHypersonic flow computations around re-entry vehicles19940006008WorkA comparison of high resolution upwind solvers on 3-D inviscid hypersonic flows19940004532WorkLunar base and Mars base design projects19940004551WorkDesign of a spanloader cargo aircraft19940004544WorkAerodynamic control, recovery, and sensor design for a first stage flyback booster