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Flexure and the role of inplane force around coronae on VenusLarge coronae on Venus, such as Artemis and Latona, are rimmed by conspicuous trenches and associated outer rises. Sandwell and Schubert have observed that these systems resemble terrestrial subduction zones in planform and have succeeded in fitting an elastic plate bending equation to the inferred flexural topography. However, the first zero crossing bending moments required are -2.5 x 10(exp 17) N for Artemis and -5.0 x 10(exp 16) N for Latona. Since these moments are similar in magnitude to those of subducting slabs on Earth, a rollback subduction mechanism was proposed to explain the flexure around the largest coronae, although a differential thermal subsidence model is sufficient to account for the topography around some coronae. The purpose is to investigate the effect of inplane force as a possible alternative to large applied moments in producing flexure at Artemis and Latona. The close correlation of gravity to topography on Venus implies the absence of a low viscosity zone and the strong coupling of the lithosphere to mantle convection. If coronae are the surface manifestations of mantle plumes, they may be the sites of active convective stress coupling. As the upwelling reaches the lithosphere, it spreads radially outward, inducing shear tractions on the base of the plate. In addition, the hot, expanding corona may load the surrounding plate horizonally. Both the basal shear stresses and radial loading can be treated as an equivalent compressive inplane force in the mechanical lithosphere, which contributes to the bending of the outlying plate. Using a model that relates inplane force to the measured gravity anomalies, a rough value of the inplane force at Artemis was calculated. Recent Pioneer Venus spherical harmonic gravity models indicate a geoid anomaly of about 75 m over Artemis, which corresponds to an estimated inplane force on the order of -1x10(exp 13) N/m. The gravity model is unable to resolve Latona, but an inplane force of similar dimensions is assumed. The maximum possible inplane force based on the expected rheology can be constrained by using the approximate 5 K/km thermal gradient inferred from the best fit 30 km elastic plate at Artemis and Latona. For a dry olivine flow law in the upper mantle, the compressional load limit of the 60 km thick mechanical lithosphere is -4 x 10(exp 13) N/m. This value is equivalent to a load of -8 x 10(exp 13) N/m on a 30 km thick elastic plate.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Brown, C. David
(Arizona State Univ. Tempe, AZ, United States)
Grimm, Robert E.
(Arizona State Univ. Tempe, AZ, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1993
Publication Information
Publication: Lunar and Planetary Inst., Twenty-fourth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Part 1: A-F
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Exploration
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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