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Infrared sensors and systems for enhanced vision/autonomous landing applicationsThere exists a large body of data spanning more than two decades, regarding the ability of infrared imagers to 'see' through fog, i.e., in Category III weather conditions. Much of this data is anecdotal, highly specialized, and/or proprietary. In order to determine the efficacy and cost effectiveness of these sensors under a variety of climatic/weather conditions, there is a need for systematic data spanning a significant range of slant-path scenarios. These data should include simultaneous video recordings at visible, midwave (3-5 microns), and longwave (8-12 microns) wavelengths, with airborne weather pods that include the capability of determining the fog droplet size distributions. Existing data tend to show that infrared is more effective than would be expected from analysis and modeling. It is particularly more effective for inland (radiation) fog as compared to coastal (advection) fog, although both of these archetypes are oversimplifications. In addition, as would be expected from droplet size vs wavelength considerations, longwave outperforms midwave, in many cases by very substantial margins. Longwave also benefits from the higher level of available thermal energy at ambient temperatures. The principal attraction of midwave sensors is that staring focal plane technology is available at attractive cost-performance levels. However, longwave technology such as that developed at FLIR Systems, Inc. (FSI), has achieved high performance in small, economical, reliable imagers utilizing serial-parallel scanning techniques. In addition, FSI has developed dual-waveband systems particularly suited for enhanced vision flight testing. These systems include a substantial, embedded processing capability which can perform video-rate image enhancement and multisensor fusion. This is achieved with proprietary algorithms and includes such operations as real-time histograms, convolutions, and fast Fourier transforms.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Kerr, J. Richard
(FLIR Systems, Inc. Portland, OR, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
December 1, 1993
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Ames Research Center, Proceedings of the Workshop on Augmented Visual Display (AVID) Research
Subject Category
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Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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