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An Approach to Building a Traceability Tool for Software DevelopmentIt is difficult in a large, complex computer program to ensure that it meets the specified requirements. As the program evolves over time, a11 program constraints originally elicited during the requirements phase must be maintained. In addition, during the life cycle of the program, requirements typically change and the program must consistently reflect those changes. Imagine the following scenario. Company X wants to develop a system to automate its assembly line. With such a large system, there are many different stakeholders, e.g., managers, experts such as industrial and mechanical engineers, and end-users. Requirements would be elicited from all of the stake holders involved in the system with each stakeholder contributing their point of view to the requirements. For example, some of the requirements provided by an industrial engineer may concern the movement of parts through the assembly line. A point of view provided by the electrical engineer may be reflected in constraints concerning maximum power usage. End-users may be concerned with comfort and safety issues, whereas managers are concerned with the efficiency of the operation. With so many points of view affecting the requirements, it is difficult to manage them, communicate information to relevant stakeholders. and it is likely that conflicts in the requirements will arise. In the coding process, the implementors will make additional assumptions and interpretations on the design and the requirements of the system. During any stage of development, stakeholders may request that a requirement be added or changed. In such a dynamic environment, it is difficult to guarantee that the system will preserve the current set of requirements. Tracing, the mapping between objects in the artifacts of the system being developed, addresses this issue. Artifacts encompass documents such as the system definition, interview transcripts, memoranda, the software requirements specification, user's manuals, the functional specifications, design reports, and system code. Tracing helps 1) validate system features against, the requirement specification, 2) identify error sources and, most importantly, 3) manage change. With so many people involved in the development of the system, it becomes necessary to identify the reasons behind the design requirements or the implementation decisions. This paper is concerned with an approach that maps documents to constraints that capture properties of and relationships between the objects being modeled by the program. Section 2 provides the reader with a background on traceability tools. Section 3 gives a brief description of the context monitoring system on which the approach suggested in this paper is based. Section 4 presents an overview of our approach to providing traceability. The last section presents our future direction of research.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Delgado, Nelly
(Texas Univ. El Paso, TX United States)
Watson, Tom
(Texas Univ. El Paso, TX United States)
Date Acquired
August 20, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1997
Publication Information
Publication: NASA University Research Centers Technical Advances in Education, Aeronautics, Space, Autonomy, Earth and Environment
Volume: 1
Subject Category
Computer Programming And Software
Report/Patent Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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