NASA University Research Centers Technical Advances in Education, Aeronautics, Space, Autonomy, Earth and EnvironmentThis first volume of the Autonomous Control Engineering (ACE) Center Press Series on NASA University Research Center's (URC's) Advanced Technologies on Space Exploration and National Service constitute a report on the research papers and presentations delivered by NASA Installations and industry and Report of the NASA's fourteen URC's held at the First National Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico from February 16-19, 1997.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Jamshidi, M.
Lumia, R.
Tunstel, E., Jr.
White, B.
Malone, J.
Sakimoto, P.
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1997
Publication Information
Publication: NASA University Research Centers Technical Advances in Education, Aeronautics, Space, Autonomy, Earth and Environment
Subject Category
Social And Information Sciences (General)
Meeting Information
Meeting: NASA University Research Centers Technical Advances in Education, Aeronautics, Space, Autonomy, Earth and Environment
IDRelationTitle20010000415WorkPiecewise Linear Membership Function Generator-Divider Approach20010000384WorkCrew Member Interface with Space Station Furnace Facility20010000391WorkThe Use of a Chlorophyll Meter (SPAD-502) for Field Determinations of Red Mangrove (Rhizophora Mangle L.) Leaf Chlorophyll Amount20010000494WorkCharacterizing Surfaces of the Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Ilmenite with Scanning Probe Microcopies20010000376WorkUltrasound Algorithm Derivation for Soil Moisture Content Estimation20010000362WorkIssues in Defining Software Architectures in a GIS Environment20010000361WorkASICs Approach for the Implementation of a Symmetric Triangular Fuzzy Coprocessor and Its Application to Adaptive Filtering20010000520WorkMulti-Window Controllers for Autonomous Space Systems20010000409WorkGas Dynamics, Characterization, and Calibration of Fast Flow Flight Cascade Impactor Quartz Crystal Microbalances (QCM) for Aerosol Measurements20010000509WorkPotentials for Soil Enzyme as Indicators of Ecological Management20010000429WorkSteady-State Solution of a Flexible Wing20010000445WorkOn the Implementation of a Land Cover Classification System for SAR Images Using Khoros20010000486WorkAnnealing Effects on the Surface Plasmon of MgO Implanted with Gold20010000479WorkAn Undergraduate Intern Program at PACES20010000392WorkGrowth, Spectroscopy and Photorefractive Investigation of Vanadium Doped CdSSe20010000433WorkAn Arbitrary First Order Theory Can Be Represented by a Program: A Theorem20010000432WorkOptimal Approximation of Quadratic Interval Functions20010000488WorkUtility of BRDF Models for Estimating Optimal View Angles in Classification of Remotely Sensed Images20010000510WorkHypergravity Alters the Susceptibility of Cells to Anoxia-Reoxygenation Injury20010000525WorkMars Surveyor '98 Landers MVACS Robotic Arm Control System Design Concepts20010000524WorkDexterity-Enhanced Telerobotic Microsurgery20010000403WorkOn the Development of a Magnetically Vectored Variable ISP Plasma Rocket20010000468WorkCluster Method Analysis of K. S. C. Image20010000481WorkNon-Intrusive Optical Diagnostic Methods for Flowfield Characterization20010000422WorkSupervised Classification Techniques for Hyperspectral Data20010000505WorkUse of Ultrasonic Technology for Soil Moisture Measurement20010000389WorkIntelligent Control of Flexible-Joint Robotic Manipulators20010000504WorkApplication of Modular Modeling System to Predict Evaporation, Infiltration, Air Temperature, and Soil Moisture20010000484WorkFuzzy Behavior-Based Navigation for Planetary20010000489WorkRegularization for Atmospheric Temperature Retrieval Problems20010000393WorkAn Approach to Building a Traceability Tool for Software Development20010000394WorkEvaluation of a Human Modeling Software Tool in the Prediction of Extra Vehicular Activity Tasks for an International Space Station Assembly Mission20010000440WorkA Categorization of Dynamic Analyzers20010000390WorkThe Onset of the Madden-Julian Oscillation Within an Aquaplanet Model20010000410WorkAircraft Pitch Control with Fixed Order LQ Compensators20010000456WorkStructural Verification of the Space Shuttle's External Tank Super LightWeight Design: A Lesson in Innovation20010000495WorkCalibration of the QCM/SAW Cascade Impactor for Measurement of Ozone20010000369WorkLow Temperature Operation of a Switching Power Converter20010000401WorkIntegrity Constraint Monitoring in Software Development: Proposed Architectures20010000395WorkPACES Participation in Educational Outreach Programs at the University of Texas at El Paso20010000366WorkAdvanced Technology for Isolating Payloads in Microgravity20010000500WorkUniversal Approximation of Mamdani Fuzzy Controllers and Fuzzy Logical Controllers20010000480WorkCrystalline Colloidal Arrays in Polymer Matrices20010000523WorkReconfigurable Pointing Control for High Resolution Space Spectroscopy20010000449WorkOptical and Atomic Force Microscopy Characterization of PbI2 Quantum Dots20010000447WorkEndothelial Cell Morphology and Migration are Altered by Changes in Gravitational Fields20010000386WorkGrowth of Bulk Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Crystals and Their Potential Applications20010000519WorkFormation Flying Control of Multiple Spacecraft20010000426WorkStructural Analysis of the QCM Aboard the ER-220010000430WorkA New Probe to Change Curie Temperature of PbTiO3 Sensors20010000381WorkDemonstration of the Low-Cost Virtual Collaborative Environment (VCE)20010000406WorkA Low Cost Rad-Tolerant Standard Cell Library20010000388WorkFeedback Implementation of Zermelo's Optimal Control by Sugeno Approximation20010000470WorkThe Use of Decentralized Control in the Design of a Large Segmented Space Reflector20010000385WorkThe MUSES Satellite Team and Multidisciplinary System Engineering20010000421WorkA Numerical Simulation of a Normal Sonic Jet into a Hypersonic Cross-Flow20010000516WorkA Novel Microcharacterization Technique in the Measurement of Strain and Orientation Gradient in Advanced Materials20010000506WorkOptical Characterization and 2,525 micron Lasing of Cr(2+):Cd(0.85)Mn(0.15)Te20010000513WorkNeural Network Prediction of Failure of Damaged Composite Pressure Vessels from Strain Field Data Acquired by a Computer Vision Method20010000483WorkAu Colloids Formed by Ion Implantation in Muscovite Mica Studied by Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopes and Atomic Force Microscopy20010000377WorkThe Ulam Index: Methods of Theoretical Computer Science Help in Identifying Chemical Substances20010000478WorkLight-Induced Alterations in Striatal Neurochemical Profiles20010000423WorkTurbulent Distortion of Condensate Accretion20010000419WorkNon-linear Post Processing Image Enhancement20010000475WorkContributions to Educational Structures that Promote Undergraduate Research20010000454WorkWhat can Robots Do? Towards Theoretical Analysis20010000455WorkMinority University System Engineering: A Small Satellite Design Experience Held at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory During the Summer of 199620010000452WorkAn Investigation of the Migration of Africanized Honey Bees into the Southern United States20010000497WorkSliding Mode Control of a Slewing Flexible Beam20010000414WorkFast Fuzzy Arithmetic Operations20010000379WorkOff-Line Testing for Bridge Faults in CMOS Domino Logic Circuits20010000507WorkCalmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase mediates Hypergravity-Induced Changes in F-Actin Expression by Endothelial Cells20010000448WorkModeling of the First Layers in the Fly's Eye20010000457WorkForce Model for Control of Tendon Driven Hands20010000428WorkCr(+2) Diffusion Doping in ZnSe20010000444WorkBarium Nitrate Raman Laser Development for Remote Sensing of Ozone20010000446WorkAdaptive Fuzzy Control of a Direct Drive Motor20010000521WorkA Long Range Science Rover For Future Mars Missions20010000360WorkJerk Minimization Method for Vibration Control in Buildings20010000437WorkNeural Network Based Sensory Fusion for Landmark Detection20010000503WorkW Photoprotection in Tropical Marine Organisms20010000413WorkHow Difficult is it to Add 1? A Pedagogical Example of How Theory of Computing May be Useful20010000400WorkThe HSCaRS Summer Enrichment Program; Research Opportunities for Minority and Women Undergraduates in Global Change Science20010000492WorkSurface States and Effective Surface Area on Photoluminescent P-Type Porous Silicon20010000465WorkMinority Universities Systems Engineering (MUSE) Program at the University of Texas at El Paso20010000453WorkAnalysis of Texture Using the Fractal Model20010000491WorkThe Integration of Geographical Information System and Remotely Sensed Data to Track and Predict the Migration Path of the Africanized Honey Bee20010000485WorkOn Decision-Making Among Multiple Rule-Bases in Fuzzy Control Systems20010000378WorkManaging Data in a GIS Environment20010000518WorkClosed-Loop Aeromaneuvering for a Mars Precision Landing20010000435WorkHow the Theory of Computing Can Help in Space Exploration20010000498WorkMonitoring Land Surface Soil Moisture from Space with in-Situ Sensors Validation: The Huntsville Example20010000477WorkThe PACES Summer Science Trek: A Pre-College Science20010000522WorkRobust Flight Path Determination for Mars Precision Landing Using Genetic Algorithms20010000382WorkAnalysis of Vegetation and Atmospheric Correction Indices for Landsat Images20010000364WorkFixed Future and Uncertain Past: Theorems Explain Why It Is Often More Difficult to Reconstruct the Past Than to Predict the Future20010000397WorkHybrid Co-Evolutionary Motion Planning via Visibility-Based Repair20010000451WorkAB Initio Study of the Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of Halogenated Thioperoxy Radicals20010000360WorkJerk Minimization Method for Vibration Control in Buildings20010000361WorkASICs Approach for the Implementation of a Symmetric Triangular Fuzzy Coprocessor and Its Application to Adaptive Filtering20010000362WorkIssues in Defining Software Architectures in a GIS Environment20010000363WorkSensory Interactive Teleoperator Robotic Grasping20010000364WorkFixed Future and Uncertain Past: Theorems Explain Why It Is Often More Difficult to Reconstruct the Past Than to Predict the Future20010000366WorkAdvanced Technology for Isolating Payloads in Microgravity20010000363WorkSensory Interactive Teleoperator Robotic Grasping20010000369WorkLow Temperature Operation of a Switching Power Converter20010000376WorkUltrasound Algorithm Derivation for Soil Moisture Content Estimation20010000377WorkThe Ulam Index: Methods of Theoretical Computer Science Help in Identifying Chemical Substances20010000378WorkManaging Data in a GIS Environment20010000379WorkOff-Line Testing for Bridge Faults in CMOS Domino Logic Circuits20010000381WorkDemonstration of the Low-Cost Virtual Collaborative Environment (VCE)20010000382WorkAnalysis of Vegetation and Atmospheric Correction Indices for Landsat Images20010000384WorkCrew Member Interface with Space Station Furnace Facility20010000385WorkThe MUSES Satellite Team and Multidisciplinary System Engineering20010000386WorkGrowth of Bulk Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Crystals and Their Potential Applications20010000388WorkFeedback Implementation of Zermelo's Optimal Control by Sugeno Approximation20010000389WorkIntelligent Control of Flexible-Joint Robotic Manipulators20010000390WorkThe Onset of the Madden-Julian Oscillation Within an Aquaplanet Model20010000391WorkThe Use of a Chlorophyll Meter (SPAD-502) for Field Determinations of Red Mangrove (Rhizophora Mangle L.) Leaf Chlorophyll Amount20010000392WorkGrowth, Spectroscopy and Photorefractive Investigation of Vanadium Doped CdSSe20010000393WorkAn Approach to Building a Traceability Tool for Software Development20010000394WorkEvaluation of a Human Modeling Software Tool in the Prediction of Extra Vehicular Activity Tasks for an International Space Station Assembly Mission20010000395WorkPACES Participation in Educational Outreach Programs at the University of Texas at El Paso20010000397WorkHybrid Co-Evolutionary Motion Planning via Visibility-Based Repair20010000400WorkThe HSCaRS Summer Enrichment Program; Research Opportunities for Minority and Women Undergraduates in Global Change Science20010000401WorkIntegrity Constraint Monitoring in Software Development: Proposed Architectures20010000403WorkOn the Development of a Magnetically Vectored Variable ISP Plasma Rocket20010000406WorkA Low Cost Rad-Tolerant Standard Cell Library20010000408WorkAtmospheric Correction of Satellite Imagery Using Modtran 3.5 Code20010000409WorkGas Dynamics, Characterization, and Calibration of Fast Flow Flight Cascade Impactor Quartz Crystal Microbalances (QCM) for Aerosol Measurements20010000410WorkAircraft Pitch Control with Fixed Order LQ Compensators20010000413WorkHow Difficult is it to Add 1? A Pedagogical Example of How Theory of Computing May be Useful20010000414WorkFast Fuzzy Arithmetic Operations20010000415WorkPiecewise Linear Membership Function Generator-Divider Approach20010000419WorkNon-linear Post Processing Image Enhancement20010000421WorkA Numerical Simulation of a Normal Sonic Jet into a Hypersonic Cross-Flow20010000422WorkSupervised Classification Techniques for Hyperspectral Data20010000423WorkTurbulent Distortion of Condensate Accretion20010000426WorkStructural Analysis of the QCM Aboard the ER-220010000503WorkW Photoprotection in Tropical Marine Organisms20010000428WorkCr(+2) Diffusion Doping in ZnSe20010000429WorkSteady-State Solution of a Flexible Wing20010000430WorkA New Probe to Change Curie Temperature of PbTiO3 Sensors20010000432WorkOptimal Approximation of Quadratic Interval Functions20010000433WorkAn Arbitrary First Order Theory Can Be Represented by a Program: A Theorem20010000435WorkHow the Theory of Computing Can Help in Space Exploration20010000437WorkNeural Network Based Sensory Fusion for Landmark Detection20010000439WorkValidity Using Pump-Probe Pulses to Determine the Optical Response of Niobate Crystals20010000440WorkA Categorization of Dynamic Analyzers20010000444WorkBarium Nitrate Raman Laser Development for Remote Sensing of Ozone20010000445WorkOn the Implementation of a Land Cover Classification System for SAR Images Using Khoros20010000446WorkAdaptive Fuzzy Control of a Direct Drive Motor20010000447WorkEndothelial Cell Morphology and Migration are Altered by Changes in Gravitational Fields20010000448WorkModeling of the First Layers in the Fly's Eye20010000449WorkOptical and Atomic Force Microscopy Characterization of PbI2 Quantum Dots20010000451WorkAB Initio Study of the Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of Halogenated Thioperoxy Radicals20010000452WorkAn Investigation of the Migration of Africanized Honey Bees into the Southern United States20010000453WorkAnalysis of Texture Using the Fractal Model20010000454WorkWhat can Robots Do? Towards Theoretical Analysis20010000455WorkMinority University System Engineering: A Small Satellite Design Experience Held at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory During the Summer of 199620010000456WorkStructural Verification of the Space Shuttle's External Tank Super LightWeight Design: A Lesson in Innovation20010000457WorkForce Model for Control of Tendon Driven Hands20010000464WorkCan Chlorine Anion Catalyze the Reaction fo HOCl with HCl?20010000465WorkMinority Universities Systems Engineering (MUSE) Program at the University of Texas at El Paso20010000468WorkCluster Method Analysis of K. S. C. Image20010000470WorkThe Use of Decentralized Control in the Design of a Large Segmented Space Reflector20010000475WorkContributions to Educational Structures that Promote Undergraduate Research20010000477WorkThe PACES Summer Science Trek: A Pre-College Science20010000478WorkLight-Induced Alterations in Striatal Neurochemical Profiles20010000479WorkAn Undergraduate Intern Program at PACES20010000480WorkCrystalline Colloidal Arrays in Polymer Matrices20010000481WorkNon-Intrusive Optical Diagnostic Methods for Flowfield Characterization20010000483WorkAu Colloids Formed by Ion Implantation in Muscovite Mica Studied by Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopes and Atomic Force Microscopy20010000484WorkFuzzy Behavior-Based Navigation for Planetary20010000485WorkOn Decision-Making Among Multiple Rule-Bases in Fuzzy Control Systems20010000486WorkAnnealing Effects on the Surface Plasmon of MgO Implanted with Gold20010000488WorkUtility of BRDF Models for Estimating Optimal View Angles in Classification of Remotely Sensed Images20010000489WorkRegularization for Atmospheric Temperature Retrieval Problems20010000491WorkThe Integration of Geographical Information System and Remotely Sensed Data to Track and Predict the Migration Path of the Africanized Honey Bee20010000492WorkSurface States and Effective Surface Area on Photoluminescent P-Type Porous Silicon20010000494WorkCharacterizing Surfaces of the Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Ilmenite with Scanning Probe Microcopies20010000495WorkCalibration of the QCM/SAW Cascade Impactor for Measurement of Ozone20010000497WorkSliding Mode Control of a Slewing Flexible Beam20010000498WorkMonitoring Land Surface Soil Moisture from Space with in-Situ Sensors Validation: The Huntsville Example20010000500WorkUniversal Approximation of Mamdani Fuzzy Controllers and Fuzzy Logical Controllers20010000464WorkCan Chlorine Anion Catalyze the Reaction fo HOCl with HCl?20010000439WorkValidity Using Pump-Probe Pulses to Determine the Optical Response of Niobate Crystals20010000408WorkAtmospheric Correction of Satellite Imagery Using Modtran 3.5 Code20010000504WorkApplication of Modular Modeling System to Predict Evaporation, Infiltration, Air Temperature, and Soil Moisture20010000505WorkUse of Ultrasonic Technology for Soil Moisture Measurement20010000506WorkOptical Characterization and 2,525 micron Lasing of Cr(2+):Cd(0.85)Mn(0.15)Te20010000507WorkCalmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase mediates Hypergravity-Induced Changes in F-Actin Expression by Endothelial Cells20010000509WorkPotentials for Soil Enzyme as Indicators of Ecological Management20010000510WorkHypergravity Alters the Susceptibility of Cells to Anoxia-Reoxygenation Injury20010000513WorkNeural Network Prediction of Failure of Damaged Composite Pressure Vessels from Strain Field Data Acquired by a Computer Vision Method20010000516WorkA Novel Microcharacterization Technique in the Measurement of Strain and Orientation Gradient in Advanced Materials20010000518WorkClosed-Loop Aeromaneuvering for a Mars Precision Landing20010000519WorkFormation Flying Control of Multiple Spacecraft20010000520WorkMulti-Window Controllers for Autonomous Space Systems20010000521WorkA Long Range Science Rover For Future Mars Missions20010000522WorkRobust Flight Path Determination for Mars Precision Landing Using Genetic Algorithms20010000523WorkReconfigurable Pointing Control for High Resolution Space Spectroscopy20010000524WorkDexterity-Enhanced Telerobotic Microsurgery20010000525WorkMars Surveyor '98 Landers MVACS Robotic Arm Control System Design Concepts