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Hybrid Co-Evolutionary Motion Planning via Visibility-Based RepairThis paper introduces a hybrid co-evolutionary system for global motion planning within unstructured environments. This system combines the concept of co-evolutionary search along with a concept that we refer to as the visibility-based repair to form a hybrid which quickly transforms infeasible motions into feasible ones. Also, this system makes use of a novel representation scheme for the obstacles within an environment. Our hybrid evolutionary system differs from other evolutionary motion planners in that (1) more emphasis is placed on repairing infeasible motions to develop feasible motions rather than using simulated evolution exclusively as a means of discovering feasible motions, (2) a continuous map of the environment is used rather than a discretized map, and (3) it develops global motion plans for multiple mobile destinations by co-evolving populations of sub-global motion plans. In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of this system by using it to solve two challenging motion planning problems where multiple targets try to move away from a point robot.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Dozier, Gerry
(North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State Univ. Greensboro, NC United States)
McCullough, Shaun
(North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State Univ. Greensboro, NC United States)
Brown, Edward, Jr.
(North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State Univ. Greensboro, NC United States)
Homaifar, Abdollah
(North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State Univ. Greensboro, NC United States)
Bikdash, Mar-wan
(North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State Univ. Greensboro, NC United States)
Date Acquired
August 20, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1997
Publication Information
Publication: NASA University Research Centers Technical Advances in Education, Aeronautics, Space, Autonomy, Earth and Environment
Volume: 1
Subject Category
Computer Programming And Software
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: URC97038
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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