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Universal Approximation of Mamdani Fuzzy Controllers and Fuzzy Logical ControllersIn this paper, we first distinguish two types of fuzzy controllers, Mamdani fuzzy controllers and fuzzy logical controllers. Mamdani fuzzy controllers are based on the idea of interpolation while fuzzy logical controllers are based on fuzzy logic in its narrow sense, i.e., fuzzy propositional logic. The two types of fuzzy controllers treat IF-THEN rules differently. In Mamdani fuzzy controllers, rules are treated disjunctively. In fuzzy logic controllers, rules are treated conjunctively. Finally, we provide a unified proof of the property of universal approximation for both types of fuzzy controllers.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Conference Paper
Yuan, Bo
(New Mexico Highlands Univ. Las Vegas, NM United States)
Klir, George J.
(Binghamton Univ. Binghamton, NY United States)
Date Acquired
August 20, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1997
Publication Information
Publication: NASA University Research Centers Technical Advances in Education, Aeronautics, Space, Autonomy, Earth and Environment
Volume: 1
Subject Category
Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence And Robotics
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: URC97142
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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