Microgravity: Molecular Dynamics Simulations at the NCCS Probe the Behavior of Liquids in Low GravityThe life of the very small, whether in something as complicated as a human cell or as simple as a drop of water, is of fundamental scientific interest: By knowing how a tiny amount of material reacts to changes in its environment, scientists maybe able to answer questions about how a bulk of material would react to comparable changes. NASA is in the forefront of computational research into a broad range of basic scientific questions about fluid dynamics and the nature of liquid boundary instability. For example, one important issue for the space program is how drops of water and other materials will behave in the low-gravity environment of space and how the low gravity will affect the transport and containment of these materials. Accurate prediction of this behavior is among the aims of a set of molecular dynamics experiments carried out on the NCCSs Cray supercomputers. In conventional computational studies of materials, matter is treated as continuous - a macroscopic whole without regard to its molecular parts - and the behavior patterns of the matter in various physical environments are studied using well-established differential equations and mathematical parameters based on physical properties such as compressibility density, heat capacity, and vapor pressure of the bulk material.