1999 NCCS HighlightsThe NASA Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) is a high-performance scientific computing facility operated, maintained and managed by the Earth and Space Data Computing Division (ESDCD) of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's (GSFC) Earth Sciences Directorate. The mission of the NCCS is to advance leading-edge science by providing the best people, computers, and data storage systems to NASA's Earth and space sciences programs and those of other U.S. Government agencies, universities, and private institutions. Among the many computationally demanding Earth science research efforts supported by the NCCS in Fiscal Year 1999 (FY99) are the NASA Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction Project, the NASA Search and Rescue Mission, Earth gravitational model development efforts, the National Weather Service's North American Observing System program, Data Assimilation Office studies, a NASA-sponsored project at the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, a NASA-sponsored microgravity project conducted by researchers at the City University of New York and the University of Pennsylvania, the completion of a satellite-derived global climate data set, simulations of a new geodynamo model, and studies of Earth's torque. This document presents highlights of these research efforts and an overview of the NCCS, its facilities, and its people.
IDRelationTitle20020082971WorkTOVS Pathfinder Path A: A Boon for Climatologists20020082963WorkLow-Level Jets: The Data Assimilation Office and Reanalysis20020082969WorkEnabling Earth Science: The Facilities and People of the NCCS20020082970WorkNorth American Observing Systems: An Interagency Group Runs Tests at the NCCS20020082968WorkThe Earth Gravitational Model 1996: The NCCS: Resource for Development, Resource for the Future20020082965WorkMicrogravity: Molecular Dynamics Simulations at the NCCS Probe the Behavior of Liquids in Low Gravity20020082962WorkNASA's Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction Project: In Partnership With the NCCS20020082972WorkSimulating the Dynamics of Earth's Core: Using NCCS Supercomputers Speeds Calculations20020082964WorkClimate Prediction Sees Future Despite Chaos: Researchers Outside NASA use NCCS Resources for Studies20020082966WorkThe Torque of the Planet: NASA Researcher Uses NCCS Computers to Probe Atmosphere-Land-Ocean Coupling20020082967WorkSynthetic Aperture Radar: The NCCS Enables Search and Rescue20020082962WorkNASA's Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction Project: In Partnership With the NCCS20020082963WorkLow-Level Jets: The Data Assimilation Office and Reanalysis20020082964WorkClimate Prediction Sees Future Despite Chaos: Researchers Outside NASA use NCCS Resources for Studies20020082965WorkMicrogravity: Molecular Dynamics Simulations at the NCCS Probe the Behavior of Liquids in Low Gravity20020082966WorkThe Torque of the Planet: NASA Researcher Uses NCCS Computers to Probe Atmosphere-Land-Ocean Coupling20020082967WorkSynthetic Aperture Radar: The NCCS Enables Search and Rescue20020082968WorkThe Earth Gravitational Model 1996: The NCCS: Resource for Development, Resource for the Future20020082969WorkEnabling Earth Science: The Facilities and People of the NCCS20020082970WorkNorth American Observing Systems: An Interagency Group Runs Tests at the NCCS20020082971WorkTOVS Pathfinder Path A: A Boon for Climatologists20020082972WorkSimulating the Dynamics of Earth's Core: Using NCCS Supercomputers Speeds Calculations