Initial Measurement of the Vapor Pressures of Simple Refractory Materials: Cu and FeIt has become increasingly clear over the past decade that high temperature processes played important roles in the Primitive Solar Nebula. Unfortunately, basic data, such as the vapor pressures of iron or SiO have not been measured over the appropriate temperature range (near T approximately equal to 2000K), but must be extrapolated from lower temperature measurements often made more than 50 years ago. The extrapolation of the available data to higher temperatures can be quite complex and can depend on other factors such as the oxygen fugacity or the presence of hydrogen gas. Moreover, modern technology has made possible more accurate measurements of such quantities over a wider temperature range. We recently acquired a commercial Thermo-Cahn Thermogravimetric system capable of vacuum operation to 1700 C and measurement of mass change with microgram accuracy in a 100g sample or smaller. In this paper, we will report our progress in learning to make vapor pressure measurements using this system.
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Conference Paper
Nuth, Joseph A., III (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Ferguson, Frank T. (Catholic Univ. of America Washington, DC, United States)
Johnson, Natasha (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Martinez, Daniel (Rochester Univ. NY, United States)