Volatiles Inventory to the Inner Planets Due to Small Bodies MigrationThe concurrent processes of endogeneous and exogeneous origin are assumed to be responsible for the volatile reserves in the terrestrial planets. Volatiles inventory through collisions is rooted in orbital dynamics of small bodies including near-Earth objects (NEOs), short and long-period comets, and trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), the latter probably supplying a large amount of Jupiter crossing objects (JCOs). Our model testifies that even a relatively small portion (approx. 0.001) of JCOs which transit to orbits with aphelia inside Jupiter's orbit (Q<4.7 AU) and reside such orbits during more than 1 Myr may contribute significantly in collisions with the terrestrial planets. The total mass of volatiles delivered to the Earth from the feeding zone of the giant planets could be greater than the mass of the Earth's oceans.
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Conference Paper
Marov, M. Y. (Academy of Sciences (USSR) Moscow, USSR)
Ipatov, S. I. (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)