Crystallization and Alteration Ages of the Antarctic Nakhlite Yamato 000593Nakhlites are unbrecciated, olivine-bearing clinopyroxenites that probably came from Mars. A total of eight nakhlites have been identified, including five recent finds: two samples (104 g and 456 g) from the hot desert of Morocco (NWA 817 and NWA 998), and three samples, a total weight of approx.15 kg, from the Yamato Mountains of Antarctica (Y000593, Y000749 and Y000802). Preliminary isotopic results for Y000593 have been given by Shih et al.. In this report, we present Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isochron data for Y000593 and discuss the age correlation with other nakhlites and the timing of aqueous alteration on Mars.
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Conference Paper
Musawa, K. (National Inst. of Polar Research Tokyo, Japan)
Shih, C.-Y. (Lockheed Martin Space Operations Houston, TX, United States)
Wiesmann, H. (Lockheed Martin Space Operations Houston, TX, United States)
Nyquist, L. E. (NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)