Application of THEMIS Data to an Investigation of a Long Lava Flow in the Tharsis Montes Region of MarsThe Tharsis region of Mars has long been known for the numerous lava flows radiating from the Tharsis Montes shield volcanoes. A 480-km-long flow southwest of Ascraeus Mons has been the subject of previous investigations using Viking and MGS data. The new data currently being obtained with the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) on the Mars Odyssey spacecraft can shed new light on the volcanology of Martian lava flows, illustrated in this paper by two THEMIS images of the previously studied flow near Ascraeus Mons. The lava flow examined is on the western flank of the topographic saddle between the Ascraeus Mons and Pavonis Mons shield volcanoes. Flow morphology in the dust-covered Tharsis region is revealed in exquisite detail in daytime IR and VIS images from THEMIS, which will aid in documentation and analysis of lava flow features on Mars and improve constraints for volcanic modeling.
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Conference Paper
Zimbelman, J. R. (National Air and Space Museum Washington, DC, United States)
Peitersen, M. N. (Ares Consulting Catonsville, MD, United States)
Christensen, P. R. (Arizona State Univ. Tempe, AZ, United States)
Rice, J. W. (Arizona State Univ. Tempe, AZ, United States)