Search for Chemically Bound Water in the Surface Layer of Mars Based on HEND/Mars Odyssey DataThis study is emphasized on search for signatures of chemically bound water in surface layer of Mars based on data acquired by High Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) which is part of the Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS). Fluxes of epithermal (probe the upper 1-2 m) and fast (the upper 20-30 cm) neutrons, considered in this work, were measured since mid February till mid June 2002. First analysis of this data set with emphasis of chemically bound water was made. Early publications of the GRS results reported low neutron flux at high latitudes, interpreted as signature of ground water ice, and in two low latitude areas: Arabia and SW of Olympus Mons (SWOM), interpreted as 'geographic variations in the amount of chemically and/or physically bound H2O and or OH...'. It is clear that surface materials of Mars do contain chemically bound water, but its amounts are poorly known and its geographic distribution was not analyzed.
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Conference Paper
Basilevsky, A. T. (Academy of Sciences (USSR) Moscow, USSR)
Litvak, M. L. (Academy of Sciences (USSR) Moscow, USSR)
Mitrofanov, I. G. (Academy of Sciences (USSR) Moscow, USSR)
Boynton, W. (Arizona Univ. Tucson, AZ, United States)
Saunders, R. S. (Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)