New Ground-based Spectral Observations of Mercury and Comparison with the MoonSpectroscopic observations (400-670 nm) of Mercury were made at La Palma with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) in June and July of 2002. Extensive observations of solar analog standard stars and validation spectra of 7 Iris and a variety of locations on the Moon were also collected. The 2002 Mercury data were also combined with previous observations (520-970 nm) from the Swedish Solar Vacuum Telescope (SVST). A spectrum (400-970 nm) calibrated to standard bidirectional geometry (alpha=i=30deg, e=0deg) was constructed based on the spectral slopes from 2002. The combined spectrum permits analysis with the Lucey lunar abundance relations for FeO and TiO2.
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Document Type
Conference Paper
Blewett, D. T. (NovaSol Honolulu, HI, United States)
Warell, J. (Swedish Inst. of Space Physics Uppsala, Sweden)