Manifestations of Strike-Slip Faulting on GanymedeVoyager images of Ganymede suggested that strike-slip faulting may have taken place [1, 2], but the role of this process in shaping grooved terrain was uncertain. In Galileo high-resolution images of Ganymede's surface, we recognize three signature features of strike-slip faulting: (1) en echelon structures, (2) strike-slip duplexes, and (3) offset preexisting features. We have undertaken a study to recognize and map these features, and identify any morphological progressions of strike-slip features. This will allow a better understanding of the structural history of Ganymede, and the formation and evolution of grooved terrain.
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Document Type
Conference Paper
DeRemer, Lindsay C. (Colorado Univ. Boulder, CO, United States)
Pappalardo, Robert T. (Colorado Univ. Boulder, CO, United States)