Discrimination of Hydrovolcanic Tephras from Volcanic and Non-Volcanic Backgrounds in Hyperspectral Data of Pavant Butte and Tabernacle Hill, Utah: Relevance for MarsWater-magma, or ice-magma, interactions have long been theorized as an important process in the Martian geologic record [1-3]. The ability to unambiguously recognize tephra deposits and volcanic edifices produced by H2O-magma interactions is important for understanding the geologic history of Mars and for understanding the genesis of the major components of the Martian surface layer. Recognizing volcanic edifices produced by H2Omagma interactions on the basis of morphology alone is difficult.can be definitively identified as such. One means of providing supporting evidence for the identification of hydrovolcanic landforms and tephra deposits is through spectroscopy. Tephras produced by hydrovolcanic activity range from fresh basaltic glass (sideromelane) to glasses that have been completely altered to palagonite. A study of the visible through short-wave infrared (Vis-IR) reflectance of tephras composing tuff rings and tuff cones showed that the different stages of this alteration sequence have recognizable reflectance signatures [6,7]. However, the ability to recognize these different types of tephras against volcanic and nonvolcanic background materials has yet to be fully demonstrated. In this research, hyperspectral Vis-IR data over volcanic and hydrovolcanic terrains in the Black Rock Desert of Utah were analyzed in order to determine the separability of the component materials from volcanic and non-volcanic backgrounds.
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Conference Paper
Farrand, W. H. (Space Science Inst. Boulder, CO, United States)