Laser-Ablation ICP-MS Analyses of Meteoritic Metal Grains in Lunar Impact-Melt BrecciasLunar impact-melt breccias contain metal grains from the meteorites that formed the breccias. Because the breccias contain clastic material that may derive from older breccias, metal grains from earlier impacts may be present, too. The large subset of moderately mafic (8 - 12% FeO), KREEP-rich ("LKFM") melt breccias is particularly important because: (1) these are the melt breccias most likely to have been produced in basin-forming impacts, (2) it is from these breccias that many of the approx. 3.9 Gyr ages that are so common in lunar samples derive, (3) the breccias contain large proportions of FeNi metal, more than 1% in some types of Apollo 16 breccias, and (4) the metal potentially provides information about the impactors causing the apparent cataclysm at 3.9 Gyr.
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Conference Paper
Korotev, R. L. (Washington Univ. Saint Louis, MO, United States)
Jolliff, B. L. (Washington Univ. Saint Louis, MO, United States)
Campbell, A. J. (Chicago Univ. Chicago, IL, United States)
Humayun, M. (Chicago Univ. Chicago, IL, United States)