Melt Redistribution in Dynamic Systems: Applications to Core FormationSamples of olivine + Fe-S were fabricated by hot-pressing a mechanical mixture of the two phases. Olivine powders with a starting grain size of approx. 10 microns were prepared by crushing crystals of San Carlos olivine followed by pulverization in a fluid energy mill. Iron sulfide powder with a particle size of approx. 5 microns was prepared from a 2:1 mixture of reagent grade iron sulfide (FeS) plus iron. Rods 20 mm in length by 10 mm in diameter were cold-pressed into iron capsules with a uniaxial stress of approx. 200 MPa. These rods were then hot-pressed at 1523 K and 300 MPa for 4 h to obtain a starting material with <2% porosity. Samples for shear experiments were cut perpendicular to the long axis of these rods. The discs were shaped into ellipses approx. 6 mm by approx. 8 mm with a thickness ranging from 0.6 to 1.0 mm. An iron foil strain marker was inserted into a cut made along the minor axis. The sample was placed between two thoriated tungsten pistons cut at 45 deg to the long axis and then placed into an iron sleeve capped by alumina discs. The sample was then sheared in a gas pressure-medium apparatus at a temperature of 1523 K and a confining pressure of 300 MPa.
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Conference Paper
Hustoft, J. W. (Minnesota Univ. Minneapolis, MN, United States)
Kohlstedt, D. L. (Minnesota Univ. Minneapolis, MN, United States)