Magnetic Analysis Techniques Applied to Desert VarnishDesert varnish is a black or reddish coating commonly found on rock samples from arid regions. Typically, the coating is very thin, less than half a millimeter thick. Previous research has shown that the primary components of desert varnish are silicon oxide clay minerals (~60%), manganese and iron oxides (~20-30%), and trace amounts of other compounds [1]. Desert varnish is thought to originate when windborne particles containing iron and manganese oxides are deposited onto rock surfaces where manganese oxidizing bacteria concentrate the manganese and form the varnish [4,5]. If desert varnish is indeed biogenic, then the presence of desert varnish on rock surfaces could serve as a biomarker, indicating the presence of microorganisms. This idea has considerable appeal, especially for Martian exploration [6]. Magnetic analysis techniques have not been extensively applied to desert varnish. The only previous magnetic study reported that based on room temperature demagnetization experiments, there were noticeable differences in magnetic properties between a sample of desert varnish and the substrate sandstone [7]. Based upon the results of the demagnetization experiments, the authors concluded that the primary magnetic component of desert varnish was either magnetite (Fe3O4) or maghemite ( Fe2O3).
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Conference Paper
Schmidgall, E. R. (Minnesota Univ. Golden Valley, MN, United States)
Moskowitz, B. M. (Minnesota Univ. Minneapolis, MN, United States)
Dahlberg, E. D. (Minnesota Univ. Minneapolis, MN, United States)
Kuhlman, K. R. (Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)