The Search for Water and Other Volatile-bearing Phases on Mars: Mauna Kea Volcano as an AnalogOver the past 5 years, we have conducted field studies on the summit cones of Mauna Kea Volcano in Hawaii. Basaltic materials on several of these summit cones have been significantly altered by hydrothermal activity, whereas other summit cones have not undergone extensive aqueous alteration. These summit cones provide an important environment to study analogs of Martian surface alteration materials and analog surface processes (i.e., hydrothermal alteration, palagonitization. In on-going research, we have characterized the thermal and evolved gas behaviors of volatile-bearing reference minerals at reduced pressures in support of TEGA. We have expanded those studies to characterize the thermal and evolved gas behaviors of Mauna Kea samples as an analog for Mars surface materials. These samples were chosen for two reasons. First, many have chemical and spectral properties similar to what we see from remote sensing data from the Martian surface. Second, these samples have a range of mineralogical and chemical properties, ranging from simple to very complex; hence it will be challenging to characterize their thermal and evolved gas behaviors and to provide a context for their geological evolution. However, these types of studies are absolutely critical to understanding relevant geologic processes on Mars during robotic missions to the surface.
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Conference Paper
Ming, D. W. (NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)
Lauer, H. V., Jr. (Lockheed Martin Corp. Houston, TX, United States)
Golden, D. C. (Lockheed Martin Corp. Houston, TX, United States)
Morris, R. V. (NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)