Crystal Size Distributions from Porphyritic Olivine Chondrules: Insights into Formation ConditionsMost chondrules preserve, in their texture, a record of their precursor material and the nature and intensity of the nebular events in which they were formed. We have used crystal size distributions (CSDs) together with crystallization experiments to explore the textures of natural chondrules and their relationships to natural formation conditions. Many careful experimental studies have demonstrated fundamental relationships between the texture of a chondrule and its precursor material, melting intensity, and cooling rate. However, until recently most studies have focused on distinctions between textural types (e.g., barred, radial, porphyritic). Previous work has shown that CSDs provide precise, reproducible characterizations of chondrule-scale textures, and can be used together with crystallization experiments to estimate chondrule formation conditions. Here, we expand this study to investigate the link between texture and formation conditions for a range of natural porphyritic olivine (PO) chondrules.
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Conference Paper
Zieg, M. J. (NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)
Lofgren, G. E. (NASA Johnson Space Center Houston, TX, United States)