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Particle Size Distributions Measured in B757 Engine Plume During EXCAVATEA ground-based test, the Experiment to Characterize Aircraft Volatile Aerosols and Trace Species Emissions (EXCAVATE), was conducted at NASA Langley Research Center, January 26 - 27, 2002, with a Boeing 757 aircraft. The aircraft was anchored on a tarmac and two probes were positioned downstream of the right-side engine, a Rolls Royce RB211-585. One probe was designed and fabricated by Arnold Engineering Development Center (AEDC) and had a 45.6 mm (1.794 in.) ID. A second probe, constructed of 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) stainless-steel tubing at NASA Langley Research Center, had a 6 mm (0.22 in.) ID. The engine was run on JP-5 with three different sulfur concentrations, 810 ppm, 1050 ppm, 1820 ppm; and was operated over a range of power settings from idle to near-full power. Particulate size-distributions and concentrations were measured at four downstream axial locations: 1 m and 10 m with the AEDC particulate probe, and 25 m and 35 m with the Langley probe. Fuel with various sulfur contents was tested to address the long-standing question of the role of sulfur in the formation of volatile species. Several experimental and modeling studies have shown a correlation between fuel sulfur-content and particulate-emissions. The object of EXCAVATE was to further study the effect of sulfur content on particulate number concentration and size-distribution as a function of location in the engine plume and engine operating conditions.
Document ID
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Sanders, Terry
(NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Penko, Paul
(NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Culler, Steve
(NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Rivera, Monica
(Toledo Univ. OH, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2005
Subject Category
Aircraft Design, Testing And Performance
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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