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Spinoff For SurvivalThe Givens Buoy Raft cannot be overturned, its manufacturer claims and others concur. An independent test group conducted a series of demonstrations and found that every type of raft :I except the Givens could be capsized either by one man boarding or several shifting weight within the raft. Termed by the group "a remarkable stability achievement," the Givens Buoy raft offers the first major advance in inflatable survival equipment in many years. It is a spinoff product resulting in part from NASA technology and in part from years of research by Jim Givens, president of Res-Q-Raft, Inc., of Lake Worth, Florida and Seattle, Washington. NASA used inflatable rafts to transfer astronauts returning from space between their ocean-landed spacecraft and a recovery ship. NASA found a problem in the use of conventional flat-bottom inflatables; they tended to overturn when exposed to the downdraft from helicopters of the recovery fleet. So Johnson Space Center developed a new and highly-effective method of raft stabilization for which NASA secured a patent. Working separately, Jim Givens came up with a very similar system. He subsequently patented his own invention and secured an exclusive patent license to use the NASA technology
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1978
Publication Information
Publication: Spinoff 1978
Subject Category
Technology Utilization And Surface Transportation
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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