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An Overview of Starfish: A Table-Centric Tool for Interactive SynthesisEngineering is an interactive process that requires intelligent interaction at many levels. My thesis [1] advances an engineering discipline for high-level synthesis and architectural decomposition that integrates perspicuous representation, designer interaction, and mathematical rigor. Starfish, the software prototype for the design method, implements a table-centric transformation system for reorganizing control-dominated system expressions into high-level architectures. Based on the digital design derivation (DDD) system a designer-guided synthesis technique that applies correctness preserving transformations to synchronous data flow specifications expressed as co- recursive stream equations Starfish enhances user interaction and extends the reachable design space by incorporating four innovations: behavior tables, serialization tables, data refinement, and operator retiming. Behavior tables express systems of co-recursive stream equations as a table of guarded signal updates. Developers and users of the DDD system used manually constructed behavior tables to help them decide which transformations to apply and how to specify them. These design exercises produced several formally constructed hardware implementations: the FM9001 microprocessor, an SECD machine for evaluating LISP, and the SchemEngine, garbage collected machine for interpreting a byte-code representation of compiled Scheme programs. Bose and Tuna, two of DDD s developers, have subsequently commercialized the design derivation methodology at Derivation Systems, Inc. (DSI). DSI has formally derived and validated PCI bus interfaces and a Java byte-code processor; they further executed a contract to prototype SPIDER-NASA's ultra-reliable communications bus. To date, most derivations from DDD and DRS have targeted hardware due to its synchronous design paradigm. However, Starfish expressions are independent of the synchronization mechanism; there is no commitment to hardware or globally broadcast clocks. Though software back-ends for design derivation are limited to the DDD stream-interpreter, targeting synchronous or real-time software is not substantively different from targeting hardware.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Tsow, Alex
(Mitre Corp. McLean, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
April 30, 2008
Publication Information
Publication: Proceedings of the Sixth NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop
Subject Category
Mathematical And Computer Sciences (General)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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