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NASA Tech Briefs, May 2006T-Shaped Emitter Metal Structures for HBTs Rigorous Estimation of SNR of a PSK Communication Link Advanced Ka-Band Transceiver With Monopulse Tracking EMI Filters for Low-Temperature Applications Lightweight Electronic Camera for Research on Clouds Pilot Weather Advisor System Waveguide Power-Amplifier Module for 80 to 150 GHz Better Back Contacts for Solar Cells on Flexible Substrates Topics covered include:Tunable, Highly Stable Lasers for Coherent Lidar; Improved Photon-Emission-Microscope System; Program Synthesizes UML Sequence Diagrams; Aspect-Oriented Subprogram Synthesizes UML Sequence Diagrams; Updated Computational Model of Cosmic Rays Near Earth; Software for Alignment of Segments of a Telescope Mirror; Simulation of Dropping of Cargo With Parachutes; DAVE-ML Utility Program; Robust Control for the Mercury Laser Altimeter; Thermally Stable Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Polymers; Combustion Synthesis of Ca3(PO4)2 Net-Shape Surgical Implants; Stochastic Representation of Chaos Using Terminal Attractors; Two High-Temperature Foil Journal Bearings; Using Plates To Represent Fillets in Finite-Element Modeling; Repairing Chipped Silicide Coatings on Refractory Metal Substrates; Simplified Fabrication of Helical Copper Antennas; Graded-Index "Whispering-Gallery" Optical Microresonators; Optical Profilometers Using Adaptive Signal Processing; Manufacture of Sparse-Spectrum Optical Microresonators; Exact Tuning of High-Q Optical Microresonators by Use of UV; Automation for "Direct-to" Clearances in Air-Traffic Control; Improved Traps for Removing Gases From Coolant Liquids; and Lunar Constellation of Frozen Elliptical Inclined Orbits.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - NASA Tech Brief
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
May 1, 2006
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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