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EEG Artifact Removal Using a Wavelet Neural Network!n this paper we developed a wavelet neural network. (WNN) algorithm for Electroencephalogram (EEG) artifact removal without electrooculographic (EOG) recordings. The algorithm combines the universal approximation characteristics of neural network and the time/frequency property of wavelet. We. compared the WNN algorithm with .the ICA technique ,and a wavelet thresholding method, which was realized by using the Stein's unbiased risk estimate (SURE) with an adaptive gradient-based optimal threshold. Experimental results on a driving test data set show that WNN can remove EEG artifacts effectively without diminishing useful EEG information even for very noisy data.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Nguyen, Hoang-Anh T.
(Old Dominion Univ. Hampton, VA, United States)
Musson, John
(Old Dominion Univ. Hampton, VA, United States)
Li, Jiang
(Old Dominion Univ. Hampton, VA, United States)
McKenzie, Frederick
(Old Dominion Univ. Hampton, VA, United States)
Zhang, Guangfan
(Intelligent Automation, Inc. Rockville, MD, United States)
Xu, Roger
(Intelligent Automation, Inc. Rockville, MD, United States)
Richey, Carl
(Iowa Univ. Iowa City, IA, United States)
Schnell, Tom
(Iowa Univ. Iowa City, IA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 25, 2013
Publication Date
March 1, 2011
Publication Information
Publication: Selected Papers and Presentations Presented at MODSIM World 2010 Conference Expo
Subject Category
Aerospace Medicine
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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