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NASA Tech Briefs, October 2012Topics discussed include: Detection of Chemical Precursors of Explosives; Detecting Methane From Leaking Pipelines and as Greenhouse Gas in the Atmosphere; Onboard Sensor Data Qualification in Human-Rated Launch Vehicles; Rugged, Portable, Real-Time Optical Gaseous Analyzer for Hydrogen Fluoride; A Probabilistic Mass Estimation Algorithm for a Novel 7-Channel Capacitive Sample Verification Sensor; Low-Power Architecture for an Optical Life Gas Analyzer; Online Cable Tester and Rerouter; A Three-Frequency Feed for Millimeter-Wave Radiometry; Capacitance Probe Resonator for Multichannel Electrometer; Inverted Three-Junction Tandem Thermophotovoltaic Modules; Fabrication of Single Crystal MgO Capsules; Inflatable Hangar for Assembly of Large Structures in Space; Mars Aqueous Processing System; Hybrid Filter Membrane; Design for the Structure and the Mechanics of Moballs; Pressure Dome for High-Pressure Electrolyzer; Cascading Tesla Oscillating Flow Diode for Stirling Engine Gas Bearings; Compact, Low-Force, Low-Noise Linear Actuator; Ultra-Compact Motor Controller; Extreme Ionizing-Radiation-Resistant Bacterium; Wideband Single-Crystal Transducer for Bone Characterization; Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting of Live Versus Dead Bacterial Cells and Spores; Nonhazardous Urine Pretreatment Method; Laser-Ranging Transponders for Science Investigations of the Moon and Mars; Ka-Band Waveguide Three-Way Serial Combiner for MMIC Amplifiers; Structural Health Monitoring with Fiber Bragg Grating and Piezo Arrays; Low-Gain Circularly Polarized Antenna with Torus-Shaped Pattern; Stereo and IMU- Assisted Visual Odometry for Small Robots; Global Swath and Gridded Data Tiling; GOES-R: Satellite Insight; Aquarius iPhone Application; Monitoring of International Space Station Telemetry Using Shewhart Control Charts; Theory of a Traveling Wave Feed for a Planar Slot Array Antenna; Time Manager Software for a Flight Processor; Simulation of Oxygen Disintegration and Mixing With Hydrogen or Helium at Supercritical Pressure; A Superfluid Pulse Tube Refrigerator Without Moving Parts for Sub-Kelvin Cooling; Sapphire Viewports for a Venus Probe; The Mobile Chamber; Electric Propulsion Induced Secondary Mass Spectroscopy; and Radiation-Tolerant DC-DC Converters.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - NASA Tech Brief
Date Acquired
August 26, 2013
Publication Date
October 1, 2012
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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