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Estimating Foreign-Object-Debris Density from Photogrammetry DataWithin the first few seconds after launch of STS-124, debris traveling vertically near the vehicle was captured on two 16-mm film cameras surrounding the launch pad. One particular piece of debris caught the attention of engineers investigating the release of the flame trench fire bricks. The question to be answered was if the debris was a fire brick, and if it represented the first bricks that were ejected from the flame trench wall, or was the object one of the pieces of debris normally ejected from the vehicle during launch. If it was typical launch debris, such as SRB throat plug foam, why was it traveling vertically and parallel to the vehicle during launch, instead of following its normal trajectory, flying horizontally toward the north perimeter fence? By utilizing the Runge-Kutta integration method for velocity and the Verlet integration method for position, a method that suppresses trajectory computational instabilities due to noisy position data was obtained. This combination of integration methods provides a means to extract the best estimate of drag force and drag coefficient under the non-ideal conditions of limited position data. This integration strategy leads immediately to the best possible estimate of object density, within the constraints of unknown particle shape. These types of calculations do not exist in readily available off-the-shelf simulation software, especially where photogrammetry data is needed as an input.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Other - NASA Tech Brief
Long, Jason
(NASA Kennedy Space Center Cocoa Beach, FL, United States)
Metzger, Philip
(NASA Kennedy Space Center Cocoa Beach, FL, United States)
Lane, John
(ASRC Aerospace Corp. Cocoa Beach, FL, United States)
Date Acquired
August 27, 2013
Publication Date
April 1, 2013
Publication Information
Publication: NASA Tech Briefs, April 2013
Subject Category
Launch Vehicles And Launch Operations
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: KSC-13251
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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