NASA Tech Briefs, April 2013Topics covered include: Fully Integrated, Miniature, High-Frequency Flow Probe Utilizing MEMS Leadless SOI Technology; Nanoscale Surface Plasmonics Sensor With Nanofluidic Control; Advanced Dispersed Fringe Sensing Algorithm for Coarse Phasing Segmented Mirror Telescopes; Neural Network Back-Propagation Algorithm for Sensing Hypergols; Bulk Moisture and Salinity Sensor; Change-Based Satellite Monitoring Using Broad Coverage and Targetable Sensing; Circularly Polarized Microwave Antenna Element with Very Low Off-Axis Cross-Polarization; Ultra-Low Heat-Leak, High-Temperature Superconducting Current Leads for Space Applications; Flash Cracking Reactor for Waste Plastic Processing; An Automated Safe-to-Mate (ASTM) Tester; Wireless Chalcogenide Nanoionic-Based Radio-Frequency Switch; Compute Element and Interface Box for the Hazard Detection System; DOT Transmit Module; Composite Aerogel Multifoil Protective Shielding; Li-Ion Electrolytes with Improved Safety and Tolerance to High-Voltage Systems; Polymer-Reinforced, Non-Brittle, Lightweight Cryogenic Insulation; Controlled, Site-Specific Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes with Diazonium Salts; Regenerable Sorbent for CO2 Removal; Sprayable Aerogel Bead Compositions With High Shear Flow Resistance and High Thermal Insulation Value; Lexan Linear Shaped Charge Holder with Magnets and Backing Plate; Robotic Ankle for Omnidirectional Rock Anchors; Wind, Wave, and Tidal Energy Without Power Conditioning; An Active Heater Control Concept to Meet IXO Type Mirror Module Thermal-Structural Distortion Requirement; Waterless Clothes-Cleaning Machine; Integrated Electrical Wire Insulation Repair System; LVGEMS Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry on Satellites; Surface Inspection Tool for Optical Detection of Surface Defects; Per-Pixel, Dual-Counter Scheme for Optical Communications; Certification-Based Process Analysis; Surface Navigation Using Optimized Waypoints and Particle Swarm Optimization; Smart-Divert Powered Descent Guidance to Avoid the Backshell Landing Dispersion Ellipse; Estimating Foreign-Object-Debris Density from Photogrammetry Data; Adaptive Sampling of Spatiotemporal Phenomena with Optimization Criteria; Building a 2.5D Digital Elevation Model From 2D Imagery; Eyes on the Earth 3D; Target Trailing With Safe Navigation for Maritime Autonomous Surface Vehicles; Adams-Based Rover Terramechanics and Mobility Simulator - ARTEMIS; ISTP CDF Skeleton Editor; Uplink Summary Generator (ULSGEN) Version 1.0; Robotics On-Board Trainer (ROBoT); Software Engineering Tools for Scientific Models; Automatic Data Filter Customization Using a Genetic Algorithm; Tracker Toolkit; Towards Efficient Scientific Data Management Using Cloud Storage; On a Formal Tool for Reasoning About Flight Software Cost Analysis; A Nanostructured Composites Thermal Switch Controls Internal and External Short Circuit in Lithium Ion Batteries; Spacecraft Crew Cabin Condensation Control; and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Signals Measure Neuronal Activity in the Cortex.
IDRelationTitle20130012681WorkFully Integrated, Miniature, High-Frequency Flow Probe Utilizing MEMS Leadless SOI Technology20130012649WorkControlled, Site-Specific Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes with Diazonium Salts20130012659WorkSurface Navigation Using Optimized Waypoints and Particle Swarm Optimization20130012663WorkIntegrated Electrical Wire Insulation Repair System20130012645WorkOn a Formal Tool for Reasoning About Flight Software Cost Analysis20130012660WorkSmart-Divert Powered Descent Guidance to Avoid the Backshell Landing Dispersion Ellipse20130012662WorkAn Active Heater Control Concept to Meet IXO Type Mirror Module Thermal-Structural Distortion Requirement20130012644WorkTarget Trailing With Safe Navigation for Maritime Autonomous Surface Vehicles20130012675WorkPolymer-Reinforced, Non-Brittle, Lightweight Cryogenic Insulation20130012651WorkChange-Based Satellite Monitoring Using Broad Coverage and Targetable Sensing20130012647WorkTracker Toolkit20130012650WorkTowards Efficient Scientific Data Management Using Cloud Storage20130012683WorkSprayable Aerogel Bead Compositions With High Shear Flow Resistance and High Thermal Insulation Value20130012669WorkDOT Transmit Module20130012646WorkWind, Wave, and Tidal Energy Without Power Conditioning20130012677WorkEyes on the Earth 3D20130012657WorkUplink Summary Generator (ULSGEN) Version 1.020130012674WorkLi-Ion Electrolytes with Improved Safety and Tolerance to High-Voltage Systems20130012641WorkPer-Pixel, Dual-Counter Scheme for Optical Communications20130012670WorkFlash Cracking Reactor for Waste Plastic Processing20130012687WorkRegenerable Sorbent for CO2 Removal20130012658WorkSoftware Engineering Tools for Scientific Models20130012680WorkFunctional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Signals Measure Neuronal Activity in the Cortex20130012678WorkSpacecraft Crew Cabin Condensation Control20130012648WorkAdvanced Dispersed Fringe Sensing Algorithm for Coarse Phasing Segmented Mirror Telescopes20130012673WorkA Nanostructured Composites Thermal Switch Controls Internal and External Short Circuit in Lithium Ion Batteries20130012664WorkISTP CDF Skeleton Editor20130012667WorkRobotics On-Board Trainer (ROBoT)20130012653WorkRobotic Ankle for Omnidirectional Rock Anchors20130012682WorkComposite Aerogel Multifoil Protective Shielding20130012654WorkLVGEMS Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry on Satellites20130012679WorkBuilding a 2.5D Digital Elevation Model from 2D Imagery20130012672WorkLexan Linear Shaped Charge Holder with Magnets and Backing Plate20130012665WorkNeural Network Back-Propagation Algorithm for Sensing Hypergols20130012685WorkWireless Chalcogenide Nanoionic-Based Radio-Frequency Switch20130012668WorkCompute Element and Interface Box for the Hazard Detection System20130012686WorkSurface Inspection Tool for Optical Detection of Surface Defects20130012655WorkNanoscale Surface Plasmonics Sensor With Nanofluidic Control20130012666WorkCertification-Based Process Analysis20130012652WorkCircularly Polarized Microwave Antenna Element with Very Low Off-Axis Cross-Polarization20130012676WorkAdaptive Sampling of Spatiotemporal Phenomena with Optimization Criteria20130012642WorkAn Automated Safe-to-Mate (ASTM) Tester20130012684WorkWaterless Clothes-Cleaning Machine20130012656WorkAutomatic Data Filter Customization Using a Genetic Algorithm20130012643WorkUltra-Low Heat-Leak, High-Temperature Superconducting Current Leads for Space Applications20130012688WorkBulk Moisture and Salinity Sensor20130012671WorkAdams-Based Rover Terramechanics and Mobility Simulator - ARTEMIS20130012641WorkPer-Pixel, Dual-Counter Scheme for Optical Communications20130012642WorkAn Automated Safe-to-Mate (ASTM) Tester20130012643WorkUltra-Low Heat-Leak, High-Temperature Superconducting Current Leads for Space Applications20130012644WorkTarget Trailing With Safe Navigation for Maritime Autonomous Surface Vehicles20130012645WorkOn a Formal Tool for Reasoning About Flight Software Cost Analysis20130012646WorkWind, Wave, and Tidal Energy Without Power Conditioning20130012647WorkTracker Toolkit20130012648WorkAdvanced Dispersed Fringe Sensing Algorithm for Coarse Phasing Segmented Mirror Telescopes20130012649WorkControlled, Site-Specific Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes with Diazonium Salts20130012650WorkTowards Efficient Scientific Data Management Using Cloud Storage20130012651WorkChange-Based Satellite Monitoring Using Broad Coverage and Targetable Sensing20130012652WorkCircularly Polarized Microwave Antenna Element with Very Low Off-Axis Cross-Polarization20130012653WorkRobotic Ankle for Omnidirectional Rock Anchors20130012654WorkLVGEMS Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry on Satellites20130012655WorkNanoscale Surface Plasmonics Sensor With Nanofluidic Control20130012656WorkAutomatic Data Filter Customization Using a Genetic Algorithm20130012657WorkUplink Summary Generator (ULSGEN) Version 1.020130012658WorkSoftware Engineering Tools for Scientific Models20130012659WorkSurface Navigation Using Optimized Waypoints and Particle Swarm Optimization20130012660WorkSmart-Divert Powered Descent Guidance to Avoid the Backshell Landing Dispersion Ellipse20130012661WorkEstimating Foreign-Object-Debris Density from Photogrammetry Data20130012662WorkAn Active Heater Control Concept to Meet IXO Type Mirror Module Thermal-Structural Distortion Requirement20130012663WorkIntegrated Electrical Wire Insulation Repair System20130012664WorkISTP CDF Skeleton Editor20130012665WorkNeural Network Back-Propagation Algorithm for Sensing Hypergols20130012666WorkCertification-Based Process Analysis20130012667WorkRobotics On-Board Trainer (ROBoT)20130012668WorkCompute Element and Interface Box for the Hazard Detection System20130012669WorkDOT Transmit Module20130012670WorkFlash Cracking Reactor for Waste Plastic Processing20130012671WorkAdams-Based Rover Terramechanics and Mobility Simulator - ARTEMIS20130012672WorkLexan Linear Shaped Charge Holder with Magnets and Backing Plate20130012673WorkA Nanostructured Composites Thermal Switch Controls Internal and External Short Circuit in Lithium Ion Batteries20130012674WorkLi-Ion Electrolytes with Improved Safety and Tolerance to High-Voltage Systems20130012675WorkPolymer-Reinforced, Non-Brittle, Lightweight Cryogenic Insulation20130012676WorkAdaptive Sampling of Spatiotemporal Phenomena with Optimization Criteria20130012677WorkEyes on the Earth 3D20130012678WorkSpacecraft Crew Cabin Condensation Control20130012679WorkBuilding a 2.5D Digital Elevation Model from 2D Imagery20130012680WorkFunctional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Signals Measure Neuronal Activity in the Cortex20130012681WorkFully Integrated, Miniature, High-Frequency Flow Probe Utilizing MEMS Leadless SOI Technology20130012682WorkComposite Aerogel Multifoil Protective Shielding20130012683WorkSprayable Aerogel Bead Compositions With High Shear Flow Resistance and High Thermal Insulation Value20130012684WorkWaterless Clothes-Cleaning Machine20130012685WorkWireless Chalcogenide Nanoionic-Based Radio-Frequency Switch20130012686WorkSurface Inspection Tool for Optical Detection of Surface Defects20130012687WorkRegenerable Sorbent for CO2 Removal20130012688WorkBulk Moisture and Salinity Sensor20130012661WorkEstimating Foreign-Object-Debris Density from Photogrammetry Data