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Flash Cracking Reactor for Waste Plastic ProcessingConversion of waste plastic to energy is a growing problem that is especially acute in space exploration applications. Moreover, utilization of heavy hydrocarbon resources (wastes, waxes, etc.) as fuels and chemicals will be a growing need in the future. Existing technologies require a trade-off between product selectivity and feedstock conversion. The objective of this work was to maintain high plastic-to-fuel conversion without sacrificing the liquid yield. The developed technology accomplishes this goal with a combined understanding of thermodynamics, reaction rates, and mass transport to achieve high feed conversion without sacrificing product selectivity. The innovation requires a reaction vessel, hydrocarbon feed, gas feed, and pressure and temperature control equipment. Depending on the feedstock and desired product distribution, catalyst can be added. The reactor is heated to the desired tempera ture, pressurized to the desired pressure, and subject to a sweep flow at the optimized superficial velocity. Software developed under this project can be used to determine optimal values for these parameters. Product is vaporized, transferred to a receiver, and cooled to a liquid - a form suitable for long-term storage as a fuel or chemical. An important NASA application is the use of solar energy to convert waste plastic into a form that can be utilized during periods of low solar energy flux. Unlike previous work in this field, this innovation uses thermodynamic, mass transport, and reaction parameters to tune product distribution of pyrolysis cracking. Previous work in this field has used some of these variables, but never all in conjunction for process optimization. This method is useful for municipal waste incinerator operators and gas-to-liquids companies.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Other - NASA Tech Brief
Timko, Michael T.
(Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA, United States)
Wong, Hsi-Wu
(Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA, United States)
Gonzalez, Lino A.
(Aerodyne Research, Inc. MA, United States)
Broadbelt, Linda
(Northwestern Univ. IL, United States)
Raviknishan, Vinu
(Northwestern Univ. IL, United States)
Date Acquired
August 27, 2013
Publication Date
April 1, 2013
Publication Information
Publication: NASA Tech Briefs, April 2013
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: LEW-18843-1
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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