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Fully Integrated, Miniature, High-Frequency Flow Probe Utilizing MEMS Leadless SOI TechnologyThis work focused on developing, fabricating, and fully calibrating a flowangle probe for aeronautics research by utilizing the latest microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), leadless silicon on insulator (SOI) sensor technology. While the concept of angle probes is not new, traditional devices had been relatively large due to fabrication constraints; often too large to resolve flow structures necessary for modern aeropropulsion measurements such as inlet flow distortions and vortices, secondary flows, etc. Mea surements of this kind demanded a new approach to probe design to achieve sizes on the order of 0.1 in. (.3 mm) diameter or smaller, and capable of meeting demanding requirements for accuracy and ruggedness. This approach invoked the use of stateof- the-art processing techniques to install SOI sensor chips directly onto the probe body, thus eliminating redundancy in sensor packaging and probe installation that have historically forced larger probe size. This also facilitated a better thermal match between the chip and its mount, improving stability and accuracy. Further, the leadless sensor technology with which the SOI sensing element is fabricated allows direct mounting and electrical interconnecting of the sensor to the probe body. This leadless technology allowed a rugged wire-out approach that is performed at the sensor length scale, thus achieving substantial sensor size reductions. The technology is inherently capable of high-frequency and high-accuracy performance in high temperatures and harsh environments.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Other - NASA Tech Brief
Ned, Alex
(Kulite Semi-Conductor Products, Inc. NJ, United States)
Kurtz, Anthony
(Kulite Semi-Conductor Products, Inc. NJ, United States)
Shang, Tonghuo
(Kulite Semi-Conductor Products, Inc. NJ, United States)
Goodman, Scott
(Kulite Semi-Conductor Products, Inc. NJ, United States)
Giemette. Gera;d
(Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. Cambridge, MA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 27, 2013
Publication Date
April 1, 2013
Publication Information
Publication: NASA Tech Briefs, April 2013
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: LEW-18938-1
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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