NASA Tech Briefs, June 2013Topics include: Cloud Absorption Radiometer Autonomous Navigation System - CANS, Software Method for Computed Tomography Cylinder Data Unwrapping, Re-slicing, and Analysis, Discrete Data Qualification System and Method Comprising Noise Series Fault Detection, Simple Laser Communications Terminal for Downlink from Earth Orbit at Rates Exceeding 10 Gb/s, Application Program Interface for the Orion Aerodynamics Database, Hyperspectral Imager-Tracker, Web Application Software for Ground Operations Planning Database (GOPDb) Management, Software Defined Radio with Parallelized Software Architecture, Compact Radar Transceiver with Included Calibration, Software Defined Radio with Parallelized Software Architecture, Phase Change Material Thermal Power Generator, The Thermal Hogan - A Means of Surviving the Lunar Night, Micromachined Active Magnetic Regenerator for Low-Temperature Magnetic Coolers, Nano-Ceramic Coated Plastics, Preparation of a Bimetal Using Mechanical Alloying for Environmental or Industrial Use, Phase Change Material for Temperature Control of Imager or Sounder on GOES Type Satellites in GEO, Dual-Compartment Inflatable Suitlock, Modular Connector Keying Concept, Genesis Ultrapure Water Megasonic Wafer Spin Cleaner, Piezoelectrically Initiated Pyrotechnic Igniter, Folding Elastic Thermal Surface - FETS, Multi-Pass Quadrupole Mass Analyzer, Lunar Sulfur Capture System, Environmental Qualification of a Single-Crystal Silicon Mirror for Spaceflight Use, Planar Superconducting Millimeter-Wave/Terahertz Channelizing Filter, Qualification of UHF Antenna for Extreme Martian Thermal Environments, Ensemble Eclipse: A Process for Prefab Development Environment for the Ensemble Project, ISS Live!, Space Operations Learning Center (SOLC) iPhone/iPad Application, Software to Compare NPP HDF5 Data Files, Planetary Data Systems (PDS) Imaging Node Atlas II, Automatic Calibration of an Airborne Imaging System to an Inertial Navigation Unit, Translating MAPGEN to ASPEN for MER, Support Routines for In Situ Image Processing, and Semi-Supervised Eigenbasis Novelty Detection.
IDRelationTitle20130013835WorkHyperspectral Imager-Tracker20130013819WorkMulti-Pass Quadrupole Mass Analyzer20130013829WorkSoftware Method for Computed Tomography Cylinder Data Unwrapping, Re-slicing, and Analysis20130013818WorkMicromachined Active Magnetic Regenerator for Low-Temperature Magnetic Coolers20130013825WorkISS Live!20130013822WorkPhase Change Material Thermal Power Generator20130013823WorkCompact Radar Transceiver with Included Calibration20130013837WorkDiscrete Data Qualification System and Method Comprising Noise Series Fault Detection20130013831WorkSoftware Defined Radio with Parallelized Software Architecture20130013816WorkPhase Change Material for Temperature Control of Imager or Sounder on GOES Type Satellites in GEO20130013810WorkTranslating MAPGEN to ASPEN for MER20130013827WorkSoftware to Compare NPP HDF5 Data Files20130013813WorkCloud Absorption Radiometer Autonomous Navigation System - CANS20130013809WorkSupport Routines for In Situ Image Processing20130013807WorkEnvironmental Qualification of a Single-Crystal Silicon Mirror for Spaceflight Use20130013830WorkWeb Application Software for Ground Operations Planning Database (GOPDb) Management20130013812WorkEnsemble Eclipse: A Process for Prefab Development Environment for the Ensemble Project20130013815WorkDual-Compartment Inflatable Suitlock20130013811WorkSemi-Supervised Eigenbasis Novelty Detection20130013826WorkNano-Ceramic Coated Plastics20130013821WorkSoftware Defined Radio with Parallelized Software Architecture20130013833WorkGenesis Ultrapure Water Megasonic Wafer Spin Cleaner20130013805WorkApplication Program Interface for the Orion Aerodynamics Database20130013817WorkSimple Laser Communications Terminal for Downlink from Earth Orbit at Rates Exceeding 10 Gb/s20130013806WorkModular Connector Keying Concept20130013836WorkPreparation of a Bimetal Using Mechanical Alloying for Environmental or Industrial Use20130013838WorkFolding Elastic Thermal Surface - FETS20130013808WorkAutomatic Calibration of an Airborne Imaging System to an Inertial Navigation Unit20130013824WorkQualification of UHF Antenna for Extreme Martian Thermal Environments20130013834WorkPiezoelectrically Initiated Pyrotechnic Igniter20130013839WorkLunar Sulfur Capture System20130013828WorkPlanetary Data Systems (PDS) Imaging Node Atlas II20130013820WorkPlanar Superconducting Millimeter-Wave/Terahertz Channelizing Filter20130013832WorkSpace Operations Learning Center (SOLC) iPhone/iPad Application20130013814WorkThe Thermal Hogan - A Means of Surviving the Lunar Night20130013805WorkApplication Program Interface for the Orion Aerodynamics Database20130013806WorkModular Connector Keying Concept20130013807WorkEnvironmental Qualification of a Single-Crystal Silicon Mirror for Spaceflight Use20130013808WorkAutomatic Calibration of an Airborne Imaging System to an Inertial Navigation Unit20130013809WorkSupport Routines for In Situ Image Processing20130013810WorkTranslating MAPGEN to ASPEN for MER20130013811WorkSemi-Supervised Eigenbasis Novelty Detection20130013812WorkEnsemble Eclipse: A Process for Prefab Development Environment for the Ensemble Project20130013813WorkCloud Absorption Radiometer Autonomous Navigation System - CANS20130013814WorkThe Thermal Hogan - A Means of Surviving the Lunar Night20130013815WorkDual-Compartment Inflatable Suitlock20130013816WorkPhase Change Material for Temperature Control of Imager or Sounder on GOES Type Satellites in GEO20130013817WorkSimple Laser Communications Terminal for Downlink from Earth Orbit at Rates Exceeding 10 Gb/s20130013818WorkMicromachined Active Magnetic Regenerator for Low-Temperature Magnetic Coolers20130013819WorkMulti-Pass Quadrupole Mass Analyzer20130013820WorkPlanar Superconducting Millimeter-Wave/Terahertz Channelizing Filter20130013821WorkSoftware Defined Radio with Parallelized Software Architecture20130013822WorkPhase Change Material Thermal Power Generator20130013823WorkCompact Radar Transceiver with Included Calibration20130013824WorkQualification of UHF Antenna for Extreme Martian Thermal Environments20130013825WorkISS Live!20130013826WorkNano-Ceramic Coated Plastics20130013827WorkSoftware to Compare NPP HDF5 Data Files20130013828WorkPlanetary Data Systems (PDS) Imaging Node Atlas II20130013829WorkSoftware Method for Computed Tomography Cylinder Data Unwrapping, Re-slicing, and Analysis20130013830WorkWeb Application Software for Ground Operations Planning Database (GOPDb) Management20130013831WorkSoftware Defined Radio with Parallelized Software Architecture20130013832WorkSpace Operations Learning Center (SOLC) iPhone/iPad Application20130013833WorkGenesis Ultrapure Water Megasonic Wafer Spin Cleaner20130013834WorkPiezoelectrically Initiated Pyrotechnic Igniter20130013835WorkHyperspectral Imager-Tracker20130013836WorkPreparation of a Bimetal Using Mechanical Alloying for Environmental or Industrial Use20130013837WorkDiscrete Data Qualification System and Method Comprising Noise Series Fault Detection20130013838WorkFolding Elastic Thermal Surface - FETS20130013839WorkLunar Sulfur Capture System