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Modular Connector Keying ConceptFor panel-mount-type connectors, keying is usually "built-in" to the connector body, necessitating different part numbers for each key arrangement. This is costly for jobs that require small quantities. This invention was driven to provide a cost savings and to reduce documentation of individual parts. The keys are removable and configurable in up to 16 combinations. Since the key parts are separate from the connector body, a common design can be used for the plug, receptacle, and key parts. The keying can then be set at the next higher assembly.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Johnson Space Center
Document Type
Other - NASA Tech Brief
Ishman, Scott
(Honeywell, Inc. Houston, TX, United States)
Dukes, Scott
(Honeywell, Inc. Houston, TX, United States)
Warnica, Gary
(Honeywell, Inc. Houston, TX, United States)
Conrad, Guy
(Lockheed Martin Corp. Houston, TX, United States)
Senigla, Steven
(Lockheed Martin Corp. Houston, TX, United States)
Date Acquired
August 27, 2013
Publication Date
June 1, 2013
Publication Information
Publication: NASA Tech Briefs, June 2013
Subject Category
Man/System Technology And Life Support
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: MSC-25074-1
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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