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Comparative Modelling of the Spectra of Cool GiantsOur ability to extract information from the spectra of stars depends on reliable models of stellar atmospheres and appropriate techniques for spectral synthesis. Various model codes and strategies for the analysis of stellar spectra are available today. Aims. We aim to compare the results of deriving stellar parameters using different atmosphere models and different analysis strategies. The focus is set on high-resolution spectroscopy of cool giant stars. Methods. Spectra representing four cool giant stars were made available to various groups and individuals working in the area of spectral synthesis, asking them to derive stellar parameters from the data provided. The results were discussed at a workshop in Vienna in 2010. Most of the major codes currently used in the astronomical community for analyses of stellar spectra were included in this experiment. Results. We present the results from the different groups, as well as an additional experiment comparing the synthetic spectra produced by various codes for a given set of stellar parameters. Similarities and differences of the results are discussed. Conclusions. Several valid approaches to analyze a given spectrum of a star result in quite a wide range of solutions. The main causes for the differences in parameters derived by different groups seem to lie in the physical input data and in the details of the analysis method. This clearly shows how far from a definitive abundance analysis we still are.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Lebzelter, T.
(Wien Univ. Austria)
Heiter, U.
(Uppsala Univ. Uppsala, Sweden)
Abia, C.
(Granada Univ. Spain)
Eriksson, K.
(Uppsala Univ. Uppsala, Sweden)
Ireland, M.
(MacQuarie Univ. Sydney, Australia)
Neilson, H.
(Bonn Univ. Germany)
Nowotny, W
(Wien Univ. Austria)
Maldonado, J
(Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Spain)
Merle, T.
(Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Nice, France)
Peterson, R.
(Astrophysical Advances, Inc. Palo Alto, CA, United States)
Plez, B.
(Montpellier Univ. France)
Short, C. I.
(Saint Mary's Univ. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Wahlgren, G. M.
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Worley, C.
(Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Nice, France)
Aringer, B.
(Osservatorio Astronomico Padova, Italy)
Bladh, S.
(Uppsala Univ. Uppsala, Sweden)
de Laverny, P.
(Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Nice, France)
Goswami, A.
(Indian Inst. of Astrophysics Bangalore, India)
Mora, A.
(European Space Astronomy Center (ESAC) Madrid, Spain)
Norris, R. P.
(Catholic Univ. of America Washington, DC, United States)
Recio-Blanco, A.
(Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Nice, France)
Scholz, M.
(Institut fuer Theoretische Astrophysik Heidelberg, Germany)
Thevenin, F.
(Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Nice, France)
Tsuji, T.
(Tokyo Univ. Japan)
Kordopatis, G.
(Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur Nice, France)
Date Acquired
July 22, 2014
Publication Date
November 1, 2012
Publication Information
Publication: Astronomy & Astrophysics
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Volume: 547
Subject Category
Report/Patent Number
Funding Number(s)
CONTRACT_GRANT: AYA2008-08013-C03-03
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
stellar atmospheres
fundamental paramenters
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